Saint Mary of Medjugorje against the Most Holy Christ of the Expiration

MEdjugorje is 25 kilometers from Mostar, very close to the Bosnian-Croatian border. Six people who claim that the Virgin Mary has appeared to them since 1981. They claim that they continue to experience this phenomenon that according to them the Virgin Mary transmits to them.

He Holy Christ of Expiration It is a masterpiece of Spanish baroque. It represents the moment of his death, the crucified Christ is alive looking up, naked and with the purity cloth holding a rope and revealing his entire silhouette. El Cachorro, the fruit of a legend of payos and gypsies, dominates his Basilica in the Sevillian neighborhood of Triana.

He is devoted to the first, Zlatko Dalic, Croatia coach; of the second, the Spanish, Luis de la Fuente. United in faith, in Berlin they will once again be enemies on the benches.

The Croatian coach was born in Bosnia-Herzegovina (Livno, 10-26-1966). Since he was a child he has been close to the Church. The depth of his faith is based on the boy he helped as an altar boy. “Next to my parents’ house there was a Franciscan monastery in Gorica. Before, in a different time, I was an altar boy, I was happy to go to mass, my mother taught me and directed me to the faith. I am a believer all the time, and that is how I raise my children. Every Sunday I try to go to Eucharist. “I always carry a rosary with me and when I feel like I’m going through a difficult time I put my hand in my pocket, hold on to it and then everything is easier,” he says. Dalic.

That religious side of Dalic, the one who always makes him have a rosary on hand, included in the games, marked a player he had under his command. The Argentine Rubén Cecco was under his command in the Dynamo of Tirana. “I have in my house a Bible and a Rosary that Dalic gave me. He had them brought to me from the Vatican and that shows me that he loved me. He always asked me to have faith in God. Everything I have done in my life and in I owe my professional career to my faith and I am grateful to my dear God, I told myself,” Cecco explained in an interview with Radio Miter in Rosario.

De la Fuente: “Unfortunately Morata is not recognized”

From the source

The Spanish coach lives his faith openly. “I am religious because I have decided to be. I come from a religious family, but during my life I have had many doubts and I have been away from religion. At one point in my life, I decided to get closer again and lean on God for everything I do Without faith, nothing would make sense,” he told Eduardo Castealo in an interview in The world.

His way of understanding life is reflected in his work, in football. There are many voices that highlight the human values ​​of the Spanish coach. His is a phrase that caused surprise: “When I make the lists, I take into account that they are good people. Give me good people, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

Chapel in the stadium

At the Berlin Olympic. Over there. In 1996, during his only visit to Berlin, John Paul II beatified two opponents of hitler in the stadium: the provost of the Berlin Cathedral, Bernhard Lichtenberg (1875-1943), and the priest of Münster, Karl Leisner (1915-1945). And in 2011, German Pope Benedict XVI celebrated an evening mass with 70,000 people in the stadium.

For the 2006 World Cup, the Olympic Stadium He inaugurated a chapel: the prayer room is located under the main stand, between the athletes’ area and the VIP rooms. On one hundred square meters, Bible verses are listed in 18 languages ​​in gold leaf. Religious services are held before the games and, when there are no matches, the stadium chapel is open to groups of visitors and baptisms, weddings and funerals…

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