The seal of Racing de Costas in the transfer market

The first days of the transfer market confirm what Gustavo Costas came to Racing looking for: a team that puts hunger and ambition above proper names. It was no coincidence that the first reinforcement of his cycle was Maxi Salas, an unknown player looked askance by most of the fans. Nor that now, in his second market, the coach is betting on another player with these same characteristics. Few had Juan Elordi on their radar, the reinforcement that Racing de Alma anticipated a couple of days ago.

Racing adds hungry players in the transfer market

With the left back already closed by word of mouth, Costas once again makes the message he wants for his team very clear. He will once again risk it for professionals who find Racing in the transfer market as the opportunity of a lifetime for him. The Argentine left-hander from Delfín de Ecuador also considers it that way. He was born in the club, but he was free, he spent most of his career in the Ascenso and will have his first chance in the First Division, above him in a big team. If we review, most of the reinforcements that Costas chose, and that performed, found in the Academy a major challenge for his career.

Cambeses chose Racing over Vélez even knowing that he was going to be a starter in Liniers and a substitute in Avellaneda. Sosa defined his arrival from the United States as the possibility of relaunching his career. García Basso has a story similar to that of Elordi, playing for a long time in Ascenso and finding the best version of him in Ecuador. Salas and Maravilla arrived from Palestino and Instituto in the time of their lives. Urzi and Zuculini have a sentimental link with Racing, both arrived in the transfer market as fans. Conti had just been relegated with Colón and needed revenge. Solari chose Racing over San Lorenzo. And Di Cesare, another top reinforcement, finds in the Academy a possibility to be close to the National Team.

Elordi, Racing reinforcement.

Proper names did not perform as expected

As much as it may sound unfriendly, the most brilliant names that Racing has did not show this same desire and could even leave in the transfer market. They are Juanfer Quintero and Roger Martínez. They are known stories. The first has not yet decided whether he will continue in the club and even left before the match with Riestra. The second, substitute, asked to leave to have more minutes and is waiting for an offer to arrive. Costas justifies it with facts, he wants a 100% committed team.

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