WhatsApp will ask for a new REQUIREMENT to be able to continue using your account in 2024 – Teach me about Science

WhatsApp will ask for a new REQUIREMENT to be able to continue using your account in 2024 – Teach me about Science
WhatsApp will ask for a new REQUIREMENT to be able to continue using your account in 2024 – Teach me about Science

The WhatsApp application will begin to ask for a new requirement to be able to continue using your account, so pay close attention and don’t let it catch you off guard.

WhatsApp is an instant messaging application, the most famous and favorite of all in the world. This was launched to the public in 2009, but it was not until shortly after that it began to scale, until it became what it is now.

We know that this application has gone through countless updates, which have been given in order to offer a more optimal and quality service to its users.

Updates are a fundamental part of all applications and electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets, desktop computers, laptops, etc. These updates bring changes that greatly benefit both the device and us users.

Among these changes, WhatsApp has decided to place a new ‘requirement’ to continue using the application.

The minimum age required to use WhatsApp, until a few months ago, was between 16 years old, but recently, WABetaInfo has reported that:

WhatsApp is working on a feature to ask certain users to enter their year of birth to comply with recent legislation in certain US states, and it will be available in a future update!

In turn, an image is shown as a screenshot, which shows that the minimum age to use WhatsApp would be 15 years.

But the above is not all, since the news is that WhatsApp will not allow you to modify the date of birth that you have entered in your account for a while, or that you have just entered recently.

Although this is something that may affect all those people who do not have the required age, the reality is that this has the objective of complying with European and American regulations.

The above is done in order to maintain the security of each and every WhatsApp user.

As mentioned a few moments ago, this function will come with one of the future updates that WhatsApp goes through, however, there is still no planned and established date, but it is expected that it can occur before the end of the month of July.

This measure taken by WhatsApp was one of the results of the Digital Markets Law and the Digital Services Law.

Many people have lost access to this application due to certain changes and, with the arrival of this future change, it is expected that many more people will also be left without access.

We must understand that this change is a fairly important one and recognize that it is a good measure to be able to have deeper control over social networks or applications that can act with a ‘double-edged sword’ in the wrong hands and without taking full responsibility. .

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