Fantasian could come to current consoles

Fantasian could come to current consoles
Fantasian could come to current consoles

Hironobu Sakaguchi’s latest title looks like it will expand horizons soon

Fantasian is the latest title from Hironobu Sakaguchi, recognized for being one of the creators of the Final Fantasy saga.

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Square Enix is ​​now in a difficult time. After announcing that they would review their priorities regarding internal projects, and later announced that they had suffered losses due to the cancellation of several projects, many are those who expect only major titles from this Japanese developer. Clearly Fantasian is not a title that fits this definition, and that is because the title written and produced by Hironobu Sakaguchicreator of Final Fantasy, we could say that it is niche, especially considering that it was originally launched on Apple Arcade, which alienated a lot of audiences that could be interested in this new proposal.

Since then, many users have requested, even fervently, a port for any other platform, so they can enjoy the new Sakaguchi, and it seems that their prayers have been answered. According to renowned insider Nate the Hate, It won’t be long before we hear about a port of Fantasian for current consoles.

He confirmed this in a video on his YouTube channel (you can find it below) in which he talked about predictions for the Nintendo Direct announced for today, June 18. According to him he comments, The Fantasian port would be one of the star announcements of this eventand it would later be confirmed that it will also receive versions for PlayStation and Xbox.

A JRPG heavyweight game

We could say, without fear of being wrong, that Fantasian is a title that comes to us from the heavyweights of JRPGs. Hironobu Sakaguchi himself, in addition to being the creator of Final Fantasy, He is recognized for his work with Lost Odyssey, an Xbox 360 exclusive title that continues to be considered one of the best RPGs in history. In addition, Nobuo Huematsu, renowned composer of the Final Fantasy saga, also worked on this project.

On the other hand, we must emphasize that we are talking about a very particular proposal, highlighting the scenarios, which are dioramas, which gives it a very curious style that we had not seen before in the genre. Likewise, at the time Both critics and the public praised the final result of Fantasianso we can expect a lot from this title.

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