Experts warn of key symptoms of dengue that should not be ignored

Experts warn of key symptoms of dengue that should not be ignored
Experts warn of key symptoms of dengue that should not be ignored

Given the alarming increase in dengue cases in the department, experts call on the population to be attentive to the symptoms of the disease and not underestimate them, as they can lead to serious complications.

“High fever, headaches, muscle and joint pain are signs that should not be ignored. “When a patient, especially a child, presents these symptoms, it is essential that they go to a health center immediately,” warned Dr. María Inés Buelvas, a specialist in dengue epidemiological surveillance at the Departmental Health Secretariat.

The expert explained that self-medication and delay in medical care are factors that can quickly aggravate the patient’s clinical condition. “Although these symptoms can be confused with other viral diseases, in the current context of the dengue outbreak in Córdoba, it is crucial to rule out this possibility and receive appropriate treatment”he pointed out.

According to Dr. Carlos Usta Vellojin, coordinator of the vector-borne diseases program, “in addition to the fever and pain, We must be attentive to signs such as fever that does not subside, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability and drowsiness, especially in children. The presence of these warning signs requires immediate medical attention.”

Health authorities insist that the key is in the timely diagnosis and management of cases. “We have seen that when patients, especially younger ones, arrive late to health services, dengue can become complicated and, in extreme cases, be fatal. “That is why we make this call to the community not to underestimate the symptoms.”concluded Dr. Buelvas.

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