Zemeckis’ ‘HERE’ trailer

It is by no means a sequel to Forrest Gumpbut much of its core team has returned to working together in HERE. There they will be, behind the cameras, Robert Zemeckis as director, Eric Roth as a screenwriter and Alan Silvestri composing the musical soundtrack; and before the cameras, Robin Wright and Tom Hanks in a plot that would only have in common with the Oscar-winning 1994 film that the story takes place over several decades.

Based on the graphic novel by Richard McGuirethe action is focused in a single place, a house and the stories of those who have lived there for more than a century. A proposal that, in its film adaptation, is also a good challenge because we will have the opportunity to see to some “rejuvenated” Hanks and Wrightfrom being young people in the 60s to becoming adorable octogenarians, so Zemeckis has turned to the arts of makeup, but also to those of technology. Specifically that of Methaphysic Live, the hyper-realistic and revolutionary AI tool that allows you to create rejuvenation effects live and real time in the same face of the performers without the need for more visual effects.

Furthermore, practically the entire story, throughout its 104 minutes of duration, it will be narrated to us in a single fixed shot. Almost nothing! And with the launch of first trailerin the original version with subtitles, we can now check how the invention has turned out.

Through the home in question, as much or more protagonist than their star couple, they will also parade Paul Bettany and Kelly Reilly playing Richard’s (Hanks’ character) parents, too Michelle Dockery and Gwilym Lee embodying a couple at the beginning of the last century, already David Fynn and Ophelia Lovibond as an inventor and a model in the 1920s and subsequent years.

In short, an experiment in a story of “love, loss, laughter and life” as defined by its creators. HERE (and in the absence of knowing if among us it will be titled HERE), is scheduled to be released in the United States on November 15, the same date that the highly anticipated film will also hit theaters. Gladiator II. And he would do the same to our rooms a few days later, Thursday, December 5 distributed by Vértice 360.

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