The summer offers of the Xbox store are getting closer, pay attention

The summer offers of the Xbox store are getting closer, pay attention
The summer offers of the Xbox store are getting closer, pay attention

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We have reached the time of year that we Xbox players like the most, the moment when Microsoft launches the summer offers in its store. For those of you who don’t follow the dates much, It will be in July when they kick off, specifically, if everything goes according to plan, they will begin on Tuesday, July 2.

If it is not the same Tuesday, July 2, they would begin within the first week of July, which is next week. By tradition, these offers are the most powerful along with the Christmas ones, although we hope that this year they will be extended a little more.

Xbox Store Summer Deals

In the Xbox store’s summer sales, many Xbox games and content are usually discounted, the only slap on the wrist we can give them is relative to the variety and value of the discount. During this year, there is a lot of sin of repeating games and the same discount percentage, so I personally hope that in the next offers it improves significantly.

While next week arrives, we remind you that we have the weekly offers available from the Xbox store, which on this occasion brings us a lot of extra content, such as season passes and DLC with interesting discounts on its official price. You can review the complete list now through the following link.

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