The story of the first payment with Bitcoin

On May 22, 2010, the world of cryptocurrencies witnessed an event that would mark a before and after in its history. Known as “Bitcoin Pizza Day,” this date celebrates the first commercial transaction recorded using Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency created by Satoshi Nakamoto.


  • First bitcoin transaction for physical goods was 10,000 BTC for two pizzas in 2010.
  • Bitcoin Pizza Day shows the evolution of bitcoin as an investment opportunity.
  • From 1,000 active wallets in 2010 to almost 1 million today, the growth of bitcoin is indisputable.

Bitcoin Pizza Day: The story behind a legendary transaction

It all started when Laszlo Hanyeczan American programmer, decided to make an unusual purchase. Hanyecz offered to pay 10,000 bitcoins to anyone who brought him two pizzas from the Papa John’s chain. Back then, Bitcoin was an emerging technology with barely perceptible economic value. However, Jeremy Sturdivanta user on the Bitcointalk forum, accepted the offer, bought the pizzas and took them away, marking the first known transaction in which Bitcoin was used as currency to acquire a tangible good.

Bitcoin Pizza Day: Celebrating ordering pizza for 10,000 BTC

Historical context and economic value

At the time of the transaction, Bitcoin was worth approximately $0.004, so the pizzas cost Hanyecz about $41 dollarsToday, those 10,000 bitcoins would be worth approximately $630 million. This event highlights not only the appreciation potential of cryptocurrencies, but also the evolution and acceptance of Bitcoin as a legitimate means of payment.

This day not only marks a curious anecdote, but also symbolizes the transformative potential of bitcoin. The Hanyecz transaction demonstrated that bitcoin could function as a real, tangible medium of exchange, something essential for its global adoption. Since then, bitcoin has gone from being a technological novelty to becoming one of the world’s leading cryptocurrencies, with growing acceptance in various sectors.

Impact and meaning in the Crypto community

Bitcoin Pizza Day has become an annual celebration within the crypto community. This day symbolizes the growth and adoption of Bitcoin, reminding enthusiasts and new investors of the importance of innovation and patience in the development of emerging technologies. Additionally, it serves as a lesson in the value and perceived usefulness of cryptocurrencies at different stages of their evolution.

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Fourteen years after that historic transaction, Bitcoin has come a long way from being a technological curiosity to becoming a global financial phenomenon. Bitcoin Pizza Day not only commemorates the first commercial use of Bitcoin, but also celebrates the vision of a decentralized digital economy and the infinite possibilities that this technology continues to offer the world.

The increase in bitcoin adoption is not only seen in the number of users, but also in its acceptance as a payment method by companies around the world. Giants like Tesla, Microsoft and Overstock allow payments in bitcoin, recognizing its value and usefulness in modern commerce.

This May 22, pick up a slice of pizza and celebrate bitcoin’s incredible journey from two pizzas to its current role in the global economy. Happy Bitcoin Pizza Day!

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