Putin intervenes in the US campaign and claims that Trump’s condemnation is due to internal political fighting

The president of Russia, Vladimir Putinmaintained that the conviction against donald trump is due to a “internal political struggle” between Democrats and Republicans in the run-up to the US presidential elections in November.

“It is obvious around the world that Trump’s prosecution is a mere use of the judicial system in an internal political struggle”Putin said in an interview in St. Petersburg with representatives of foreign media.

On May 30, the former US president was convicted of falsify business documents to cover up a payment of money in exchange for silence to the porn star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 elections.

When the conviction against Trump became known, the Russian Government criticized the United States justice system, considering that the ruling seeks a “elimination of political rivals.”

“It is evident that an elimination of political rivals is being carried out using all possible legal and illegal means”he claimed Dmitri Peskovthe spokesman for the Russian presidency, arguing that there was an abusive use of justice.

Trump asks to lift gag order from his criminal trial in New York

Trump asked a judge to lift the gag order imposed on him during his criminal trial in New York, in which he became the first former president of the United States to be convicted, according to a document made public on Tuesday.

Judge Juan Merchan imposedto limited gag order before trialrestricting Trump from making public comments about jurors, witnesses, prosecutors and court staff, later expanding it to include his own family and that of the prosecutor.

Trump was fined $10,000 for Manhattan courtn for failing to comply with the order on 10 occasions, and threatened with prison for openly disobeying the judge’s decision.

Before the gag order was imposed on him before the trial, The former president repeatedly attacked potential witnesses and prosecutors through posts on his Truth Social platform.

Last week, jurors declared Trump, who is seeking re-election in the November elections, guilty of falsifying business records to cover up a sex scandal in the closing stages of the 2016 presidential campaign. He will be sentenced on July 11.

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