European elections 2024 | Now Repúblicas maintains three seats

European elections 2024 | Now Repúblicas maintains three seats
European elections 2024 | Now Repúblicas maintains three seats

The Ahora Repúblicas coalition, headed by Republican Diana Riba, has achieved three seats this Sunday in the European elections, the same as in 2019. The alliance formed by ERC, EH Bildu, the BNG and Ara Més has won 855,985 ballots and 4.93% of the vote, rising from seventh to fourth position.

“Today Now Republics has revalidated the trust of citizens, at a time when it was not easy: rise of the extreme right and populism. And, in this context, left-wing sovereignty has managed to overcome the difficulties,” said the candidate at the press conference after the scrutiny, at the ERC headquarters.

Riba congratulated all the forces on the results and assured that they take them “responsibly” and are committed “to being the voice of all voters in Europe.” “It will be a very difficult mandate, where the rise of the extreme right can mark the future of Europe,” she warned, which is why he has urged “continue working” because “Catalonia and Europe” need them in their opinion “more than ever”.

The three seats would be occupied Diana Riba (ERC), Pernando Barrena (EH Bildu) and Ana Miranda (BNG), so that the Catalan party would go from two to one representative, since in 2019 the third candidate on the list was its own and not from the Galician party. However, depending on the final distribution of votes, meteorologist Tomàs Molina (ERC) will also sit in the European Parliament for part of the legislature, as previously agreed and confirmed this Sunday by Riba.

Catalonia, the main support

The coalition has achieved most of its support in Catalonia, with a total of 354,207 votes (41% of the total). Junts, in any case, takes the satisfaction of surpassing ERC in its particular fight for the independence leadership: its party wins with 430,904 ballots, 18.08%, although the PSC is once again the option chosen by the Catalans with 732,128 votes and more than 30% of the support.

In the case of EH Bildu, it has become the most voted party in the Basque Country, with 227,911 votes and 26.24% of the total. While in Galicia, the BNG has achieved a total of 179,847 ballots and 16.13%, occupying third position in Galicia behind the PP and the PSOE. On this occasion, a fourth party has been added to the equation: the Balearic party Ara Més, which in these elections has placed fifth with 16,457 votes and 5.17%.

Despite this, and taking advantage of the single constituency that Spain represents in these elections, The alliance has obtained support from all corners of Spain. Especially in Navarra, where EH Bildu has positioned itself as the third force with almost 50,000 votes (18.75%), but also in the Valencian Community (8,458 votes) or in Madrid (7,447).

Ascend to the fourth force

In the last European elections, Ahora Repúblicas obtained 5.61% of the votes at the national level and more than 1.2 million votes (5.6% of the total votes cast in Spain, mostly in Catalonia), among them that of Oriol Junqueras, then in preventive detention and that he could not collect his MEP certificate.

The alliance leaves almost 400,000 votes by the wayside and is equal in seats to Sumar and the group Se Acabó la Fiesta, but this does not prevent it from positioning itself as the fourth force (behind the PP, the PSOE and Vox). by obtaining a greater number of votes.

“As a coalition, we are the fourth force of the State, this means that We are the main alternative to the regime of 78“Riba claimed, a motto that they have also used throughout the campaign.

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