Promoting road safety in companies must be a priority

Promoting road safety in companies must be a priority
Promoting road safety in companies must be a priority

According to provisional data on work accidents, in 2023 there were 21,591 work-related traffic accidents during the day, of which 91 were fatal. In addition, 51,796 work-related traffic accidents occurred in itinere, 125 of which were fatal.

Of the total of 653,510 work accidents with sick leave that occurred in 2022 in Spain, 73,522 were traffic work accidents, which represent 11.3% of the total work accidents. Of them, 68.7% were accidents in itinere, according to the 2022 Workplace Traffic Accidents report from the National Institute of Safety and Health at Work.

In the case of ininere accidents registered in 2022, women suffered 53% of the total with 43,777 cases. However, men suffered the highest number of fatal accidents while traveling with 119, compared to the 35 recorded among women. The greater impact of accidents in itinere on women may be due to job insecurity, difficulties in reconciling their personal and professional lives, double presence, job insecurity, the wage gap among other factors. All of this contributes to them experiencing high levels of overload and stress.

UGT considers that working conditions influence, without a doubt, the accident rate at work, therefore, the risk of suffering a traffic accident must be taken into account when managing the prevention of occupational risks in the company. In fact, people with temporary contracts are more at risk of suffering a traffic accident at work. In addition, issues such as variable hours, night shifts or long hours must be taken into account as risk factors.

Likewise, regarding traffic accidents at work that occur during work hours, the workload for those who deliver packages or offer home delivery services, for example, has a lot to do with it.

In addition to these considerations, it is an essential condition that the vehicles used by workers are in good safety conditions. It is important that the vehicles pass inspections and their safety conditions are in optimal condition.

For all of the above, the union proposes that they negotiate mobility plans between companies and the representation of workers, in order to reduce traffic accidents among their staff.

The organization of the company’s activity can influence the generation of traffic accidents and, therefore, based on the evolution of risks and the analysis of worker mobility, the Mobility Plan can become a good tool to eliminate or reduce these types of accidents. In fact, the Mobility Plan must include the strategies, actions, mechanisms and measures designed to avoid and control the risks derived from the mobility of people due to their work. Furthermore, when managing the prevention of occupational risks, including the risk of traffic accidents, it must be carried out taking into account the gender perspective.

Negotiate Mobility Plans in companies

UGT highlights the agreements reached in the Spanish Strategy for Safety and Health at Work 2023-2027 in order to promote the improvement of road safety in companies with actions such as information and awareness campaigns; reinforcement of content on road safety at work in training programs; dissemination of good practices for safe driving of vehicles or promotion of health surveillance, as well as addiction prevention.

In addition, the Road Safety Working Group belonging to the National Commission for Safety and Health at Work, of which UGT is a part, will address good practices for reducing accidents in itinere, as well as the analysis of risk factors and emerging groups. due to its higher work-related road accidents and will encourage the development of mobility plans. Specifically, awareness-raising actions will be promoted that promote a reduction in traffic accidents, focusing on the main causes that generate the loss of control of vehicles.

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