What the US press is saying after the debate between Biden and Trump

What the US press is saying after the debate between Biden and Trump
What the US press is saying after the debate between Biden and Trump


WASHINGTON.- A heated presidential debate this Thursday between Donald Trump and Joe Biden marked a crucial point in the electoral race and monopolized the focus of the main media. Both candidates faced each other again yesterday in a debate organized by CNN that left a conclusion shared by all the American media, regardless of their political inclinations: Biden ended up beaten and the Democratic Party panicked on the way to the November 5 elections.

“Biden’s complications in the debate alarm Democrats,” is the title of The New York Times on this Friday morning. Although most of the articles focused on the strong crossovers, the main opinion articles agreed that Biden should give up his place because his performance left doubts about his ability to lead a second term.

The shocking opinion piece by renowned columnist Thomas L. Friedman.

Two of the New York Times’ most notorious columnists, Nicholas Kristoff and Thomas Riedmanthey wrote directly that the president has to step aside, and the Democrats should find another candidate. “Biden must resign for the good of the party,” was one of the most shared titles, reflecting growing concern among analysts about the viability of his candidacy.

The New York Times opinion pieces agree that Biden “has to go.”

According to the article by Friedman, who is also a friend of the president, “Thursday’s debate not only rekindled concerns about Biden’s age, but also highlighted his difficulty connecting with younger voters and his inability to counter Trump’s attacks effectively.”. The publication emphasized that some Democrats are beginning to openly question whether Biden is the best candidate to face Trump in the general election.

Along the same lines he titled the Washington Post. “Democrats panic over Biden and doubt his future,” says the opening title this Friday.

The front page of the Washington Post.

The coverage emphasized the political and stylistic differences between both candidates, with a detailed analysis of their positions on crucial issues such as the economy, foreign policy and handling of the pandemic. But the repercussions were again negative for the president.

“Democrats consider the unthinkable: it is time for Biden to go,” was the title that opened the edition of place Political This morning, an article riddled with off-the-record statements from Democratic strategists and operators that They offered a brutal diagnosis of the president’s performance.

Politico’s cover on the presidential debate between US President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

Hours later, the media highlighted through an opinion piece that “andThe movement to convince Biden not to run is real”, which coincided with the views of the New York Times.

The cover of the Wall Street Journal.

He Wall Street Journal, from the News Corp group of Rupert Murdoch -close to Trump- also headlined that Democrats were discussing whether they should replace Biden after his performance in the debate.

Coverage focused on how each candidate plans to handle the economy, a crucial issue for many voters. And He noted that Biden had failed to effectively defend his economic policies in the face of Trump’s attacks.

He New York Post, from the same conservative media group, had a big headline on the paper’s front page: “Simply sad”, with an image of Biden in which he seemed lost. ““The president stammers, stumbles and freezes in a derailed debate against Trump,” added the descent.

US newspapers give their thoughts on the Trump-Biden debatehttps://es.kiosko.net/

For the first time, CNN and Fox News – two media outlets with opposing editorial lines – agreed on their opinions. Both media highlighted that Biden had a “disastrous” debate.

CNN cover on the US presidential debate.

A CNN snap poll found that 67% of voters said Trump won the debate, compared with 33% who thought Biden had performed better.

CNN headlined: “Biden’s disastrous debate puts his re-election bid in crisis”while Fox News said “Biden’s ‘disastrous’ debate performance sparks calls for him to drop out of 2024 race”. The unusual convergence of all media, even those at ideological antipodes, demonstrated a rare moment of consensus in a typically polarized media landscape.


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