Biden, Trump or neither?

Biden, Trump or neither?
Biden, Trump or neither?

The President of the United States is the most powerful man in the world, I think no one doubts it. Perhaps that condition will last a short time, but for now that is how it is. It is supported by money, weapons, including atomic weapons, and an economy that influences the entire rest of the planet. That President can intervene and even invade any country he wants and he almost always triumphs. There are a couple of exceptions, starting with Vietnam, but come on, currently he dominates all of Europe, which not long ago was quite autonomous and now even France humiliates itself before the Yankee President. It is unnecessary to insist on this issue, because everyone will agree even if they do not publicly recognize it.

Now there are two candidates for the elections to be held next November, which one is worse.
Trump is a madman, an unbalanced, vain and very self-satisfied man, who, when the day dawns badly, is capable of pressing the bomb button. His main supporters are people from the Ku Klux Klan style.

Biden was Obama’s Vice President and that made him appear as an intelligent and balanced man. But it seems that age is eating away at him and he is confusing names and countries. That would be the least of it because he has advisors, and if he manages to confuse Egypt and Mexico, the day he decides to bomb Egypt, the bombs will not reach Mexico, because his assistants will quickly get him out of the mistake.
The worst thing about Biden is that he is an old hypocrite and liar, it is not understood how Obama appointed him Vice President. Hypocrite and liar because he says one thing and does another, he maintains that the bombings of the civilian population of Gaza must stop and the next day he sends weapons and money to Netanyahu again. Biden could have stopped the massacre if he had stood his ground, but he hasn’t
He addresses Netanyahu by the name Bibi, which comes from the ridiculous North American custom, that everyone, whether Presidents or important men, is called by their diminutive, so that one does not even know the name. Jeb is Jacob, Joe is Joseph, Jack is John, Ted is Edward, and so on. If you search on the internet who is the current President of the United States, they will answer that it is Joe Biden, never Joseph Biden. This custom in other countries can be used with family or friends, but not officially. And will they also say Joe on Biden’s electoral ballots? Possibly because otherwise people could get confused.

In short, there is no choice between these two candidates. And why are we going to do it, if they don’t consult us? But they should ask us, because it matters to all of us who or what the President of the United States is.

Until recently, the polls said that Trump was going to win, but now, after the trial in which he has been involved, his followers have diminished a bit. And it is not the only judgment he has, he has many others. But it doesn’t matter, because according to North American legislation, if a person has been declared a criminal and even if he is in prison, he can be President of the country and govern from prison. And the Yankees don’t give a damn what foreign people and governments think. What do the French think, what do the Greeks think, what do Mexicans or Chileans think? Those people do not exist for them, because they are poor people to whom they give money, support them and defend them from communism and terrorism, so they better keep quiet.

One of the journalists who knows the most about these issues, Alfredo Jalife Rahme, has maintained in an article published in The Day from Mexico, in his popular column Under Scrutiny, that the two candidates operate with very powerful aid; that Joe Biden is supported by Georges Soros and that Netanyahu supports Trump. Furthermore, he maintains that the trial and conviction against the latter was organized and financed by Soros.

It is difficult to know what power Netanyahu, so criticized and discredited throughout the world, may have now. Perhaps the Jewish lobby in the United States? I’m not going to give my opinion on the matter, but we shouldn’t despise what Alfredo Jalife says, who knows everything, everything.

I have no reason to insist on what I have said other times. Do you realize, colleagues, in whose hands our world is? People who want to give us all lessons on human rights, legality, democracy and morality, without them having the slightest idea of ​​what that is.

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