Marina Gold and her unexpected response about the role of empowered women in adult cinema | Showbiz

Marina Gold and her unexpected response about the role of empowered women in adult cinema | Showbiz
Marina Gold and her unexpected response about the role of empowered women in adult cinema | Showbiz

Marina Gold currently resides abroad, but is of Peruvian origin. Photo: LR Composition/YouTube/Henry Spencer/Broadcast

Marina Gold, a well-known Peruvian actress in adult cinema, is a figure that stands out both on the screen and on social networks. Her journey and opinions on female empowerment in this industry have captured the public’s attention. In an interview with Harry Spencer, she shared her perspective on women’s roles in the adult cinema and their personal experiences.

Since moving to Spain, Marina Gold He has taken advantage of opportunities in Europe to advance his career. She has played various characters and has spoken openly about the representation of women in positions of power within the industry and challenging stereotypes.

Marina Gold talks about female empowerment in adult cinema

In his recent interview with Henry Spencer, Marina Gold discussed female empowerment in adult cinema, highlighting the importance of women’s roles in this area. She commented that she has played varied characters, from wife and waitress to chef.

“They don’t make (characters) from such specific fields, but they do put women who are working at a desk in a large, elegant office, like a doctor. Because there are guys who like (to see) an empowered woman, who shows that she is going to take control in the relationship.“he clarified.

In the same way, she referred to the way in which women are shown in this industry: “I think that the videos that are known, usually, are more (type) heterosexual for the taste of men, but when you really look for the content that want, There are videos for women and, also, where men are humiliated and there are men who like to see that, where a lot of things are done to them. It is not only the woman who is subjected“, he concluded.

How much does Marina Gold earn as an adult film actress?

Marina Gold has managed to stand out in the adult film industry, which has had a significant impact on its income. His participation in international productions and platforms such as OnlyFans has allowed him to considerably increase his earnings.

Marina revealed that, on OnlyFans alone, she can earn up to $10,000 a month. Additionally, she mentions that she sells underwear for $200 and that she sometimes charges $1,000 for romantic dates.

Who is Marina Gold, the famous adult film actress?

Marina Gold, born in Callao, Peru, has demonstrated her charisma and talent since her beginnings. Her move to Spain marked a turning point in her career, providing her with unique opportunities in the adult film industry. Throughout her career, she has been nominated on several occasions, cementing her position as an influential actress and breaking new ground in an often stigmatized industry.

Marina Gold stands out in the adult film industry. Photo: Instagram/Marina Gold

Despite her success, Marina maintains a deep love for her native country. She has expressed her desire to return to Peru one day, although she recognizes that the adult film industry offers greater opportunities in Europe and the United States. “I would love to live in Peru, there are very beautiful areas and the quality of life is good, but the work is in Europe or the United States,” she said in another interview.

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