They agree to the protection of diplomatic properties in Ecuador – El Financiero

They agree to the protection of diplomatic properties in Ecuador – El Financiero
They agree to the protection of diplomatic properties in Ecuador – El Financiero

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), Alicia Bárcena, announced that an agreement was reached with the Chancellor of Switzerland, Ignacio Cassi, so that the diplomatic personnel of said country protect the properties that Mexico has in Ecuadorthis after the assault on the embassy in Quito that caused the breaking of diplomatic relations.

“Bárcena (the Mexican chancellor) signed an agreement with the head of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, for his support in the protection of assets and consular affairs of Mexico in Ecuador,” the foreign ministry revealed through a publication on the social network before Twitter.

This agreement occurs in the middle of the visit of the Mexican Foreign Minister to Switzerlandwho is in the city of Nidwalden, to participate in the Peace Summit with more than 92 high-level delegations.

Why did Mexico break relations with Ecuador?

It is important to remember that Mexico decided to break diplomatic relations with Ecuador, after on April 5, Ecuadorian authorities decided to overtake the Mexican Embassy located in Quito to arrest Jorge Glas, former vice president during the mandate of Rafael Correa.

Faced with the violent irruption, Mexico accused Ecuador of breaking the inviolability of its diplomatic headquarters. While Ecuador considers that our country has transgressed international law by interfering in internal affairs, abusing diplomatic immunity and violating asylum rules.

What does Claudia Sheinbaum think about the conflict between Mexico and Ecuador?

Claudia Sheinbaum, virtual winner of the 2024 presidential election, rejected the dialogue proposal made by the Foreign Minister of Ecuador, Gabriela Sommerfeld, at least until “all demand” from Mexico is met before the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

“It’s not a matter of sitting down and talking,” declared the Morena activist, when questioned at a press conference about the statements Sommerfeld made in an interview with EFE.

He considered that to promote a dialogue, first Ecuador has to “take the step” of offer a public apology after the assault on the Mexican Embassy in Quito. In addition to recognizing “the right of asylum” of former Ecuadorian vice president Jorge Glas (2013-2017), as requested by Mexico in the complaint before the ICJ.

“There is a trial, that trial has to be resolved. If Ecuador assumes what Mexico is asking for in that trial, then it is already different, but everything that Mexico is proposing would have to be fulfilled,” he resolved.

These statements arise because the Government of Ecuador intends to dialogue with Mexico and restore diplomatic relations after Sheinbaum victoryhe explained the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ecuador, Sommerfeld

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