Happy Father’s Day! The best phrases to congratulate dad this June 16 in Mexico

Happy Father’s Day! The best phrases to congratulate dad this June 16 in Mexico
Happy Father’s Day! The best phrases to congratulate dad this June 16 in Mexico

He Father’s day It is one of the celebrations that has gained the most strength in recent years in Mexico, So we share with you some ideal phrases to celebrate this date, and send them to your parent.

The idea of ​​celebrating this date It originated in 1910, in the United States, thanks to Louise Smart Dood, a woman who sought recognition of the role of parents in society.

In 1972, It became official that the third Sunday of the month of June would be dedicated to the male heads of each household, being a way to celebrate the work they do for their respective families.

According to information published by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI)In our country, this celebration began in 1959, although at first it was only carried out in schools and educational centers, but, with the passage of time, it became popular, and became part of every family’s calendar.

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Ideal phrases to congratulate on Father’s Day

  • The only thing that is better than having you as a father is that my children can have you as a grandfather.
  • If wisdom comes with age, you are the wisest person I know. Congratulations, dad!
  • Thank you for being my guide in the darkness and my refuge in difficult times.
  • If I am a good person it is because I have you as an example of a model father.
  • Truly blessed is the man who hears many voices calling him father (Lydia Child)
  • What a father does for his son is what he does for himself (Miguel de Cervantes)
  • Going somewhere else is much easier when you know that your father will be happy to go with you (Anonymous)
  • Dad says not to be ashamed of our powers that make us special (The Incredibles Movie)
  • I could tell you with a rhyme, but I’ll better say it in words: you are the best of all, dad (Anonymous)
  • The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature (Antoine Prévost)
  • It is not flesh and blood, but the heart, that makes us parents and children (Friedrich Schiller)
  • Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance (Ruth Renkel).

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