How much can I save on my electricity and gas bill with solar energy?

Recently, the Ministry of Energy formalized increases in the rates electric energy and natural gas for the entire country, with increases that reach up to 156%. These increases represent a significant challenge for households and businesses, forcing them to look for cheaper and more sustainable alternatives, such as solar energy.

Pablo De Benedictis, co-founder of Goodenergy, offers a detailed perspective on the benefits and potential savings that this technology can provide. “Although the exact savings will depend on usage and weather conditions, in general, The installation of solar systems significantly reduces electricity and gas bills“says De Benedictis to iProfessional.

Solar energy requires a initial investment in technology, but they are costs that are worth evaluating today more than ever, considering the significant savings it could imply on each monthly bill. For example, Solar water heaters, which replace conventional water heaters and hot water tanks, can mean annual savings of up to 80% on the invoice corresponding to water heating. In the case of solar panels, and depending on the size of the kit that is installed, savings can be between 25% and 100%, if the user chooses to be self-sufficient.

Costs depend on the size and complexity of the project. The value of a solar hot water tank, which has a durability of 15 years, can start from $740,000while a solar panel system may require an initial investment of $3,600,000, and can last 25 years.

Although these costs may seem high, the removal of subsidies and increases in conventional energy prices make the amortization of these investments is generally faster, says De Benedictis, between 5 and 10 years.

“The trend indicates that rates will continue to increase until they reach the kWh values ​​that they manage in neighboring countries,” adds De Benedictis, underlining the importance of considering these long-term investments.

With a solar water heater you can save up to 70% of your electricity or gas bill, they last 15 years and cost from $740,000.

The savings are immediate. From the moment the panels or hot water tank are installed, the user stops using gas and energy from the network. “Although hot water tanks already have proven efficiency and are a better-known system, customers always return and tell us that they are surprised by their Good performance, even on cloudy days. The most common comments highlight efficiency and savings in energy costs. It is installed, and you can now bathe with hot water without using electricity or gas. In addition, technology has advanced a lot in the field of solar energy and the equipment is increasingly efficient and productive“, says De Benedictis.

Solar technology is suitable for both individual homes as well as for buildings, condominiums and countries, provided that an agreement is made with the consortium or the administration. Goodenergy carried out installations in common areas and even on balconies. For this reason, De Benedictis highlights the importance of consulting with specialized companies to ensure that the installation is carried out correctly and maximizes its efficiency.

Regarding geographical areas, the expert assures that although it is always more productive in areas with high solar radiation, advances in technology make the panels suitable both in rural areas as well as big citiesboth in the north and south of the country.

The recent increase in rates generated a significant increase in demand of renewable energy solutions. At Goodenergy, the queries do not stop coming, mainly from companies. “Although the consumer recession was felt in January and February, In March and April, when electricity and gas bills began to arrive, customers began to look for concrete and durable solutions for their homes and businesses. and that is being noticed in the operation of Goodenergy,” says De Benedictis.

The benefits are also environmental

In addition to the economic benefits, solar energy represents a environmentally responsible solution. The adoption of solar energy contributes significantly to the reduction of the carbon footprint, reducing the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere. This is crucial in the fight against climate change, since reduces dependence on fossil fuels, which are one of the main sources of air pollution and global warming.

“We are in a market that is rapidly expanding. Many are beginning to offer solar alternatives, and it is crucial to choose trusted suppliers with a solid track record. It is essential to ensure that the products purchased are not only of high quality and offer exceptional performance , but also come accompanied by solid guarantees that ensure their long-term operation and durability. Investing in solar systems without the support of a supplier that offers these guarantees can be risky,” explains De Benedictis.

With solar energy it is not only possible to generate energy and have hot water at no cost, but it also does not harm the environment.

Furthermore, he adds, the service after-sales is essential. “When we install the photovoltaic system, we carry out rigorous monitoring after implementation to verify that performance is optimal. We stay in contact with our customers to make necessary adjustments and provide additional advice,” says De Benedictis.

Invest in systems solar energy can be a profitable decision in the long term, providing benefits and savings immediate and stability against increases in electricity and natural gas rates.

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