PRD has not thrown in the towel, we will fight to preserve the record

PRD has not thrown in the towel, we will fight to preserve the record
PRD has not thrown in the towel, we will fight to preserve the record

The national leader of PRD, Jesus Zambranostated that they will fight to the last “legal loophole” to preserve the party’s registration, after emphasizing that they have not considered it to have lost its validity.

“We do not in any way consider the national electoral registry of the PRD to be lost,” said Zambrano in an interview with the media, when attending the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF).

He pointed out that over the weekend he made a comment about the disappearance of the PRD that was misinterpreted, but clarified that it is the end of a political cycle.

“It was understood that everything was already dead, we had already thrown in the towel and had lowered the curtain, there was no way,” he stated.

Read also “Mistakes were made in the coalition, today the PRD does not exist”: Jesús Zambrano

“In any case, that PRD that was born 35 years ago is closing a political cycle of its institutional life as well, but we want to continue fighting and we are going to continue until the last breath we have, we are going to take advantage of the last legal loophole we have to continue fighting for the national registry of the PRD,” he stated.

The PRD leader and Ángel Ávila, representative before the INE, went this Monday to the Superior Chamber of the TEPJF to meet with Judge Felipe Fuentes, to present their challenges for the intervention of organized crime in the election.

“Particularly, what has to do with how it affected the political environment that occurred in the electoral process, how it affected the PRD in its vote, and in a very special way, the violence that occurred in certain municipalities and regions that led to that there would be a low participation of the electorate in general and low for the PRD,” he explained.

Read also “The PRD is in a difficult phase”: This is how AMLO remembers the “important role” it played at the time

For his part, Ángel Ávila pointed out that they are missing around 200 thousand votes to reach the necessary threshold to maintain their registration, in the case of the vote for the Chamber of Deputies, where they obtained a higher percentage.

He considered that the presence of organized crime could have had an impact on the vote received by all parties, but it substantially affected the PRD.

“There is a direct impact that concerns us and there was evidently low participation in many districts due to the intervention of organized crime and the climate of violence. So, we are being very careful pointing out which districts, which municipalities and that this consideration is taken by the magistrates when issuing their verdict,” he stated.

In recent days, Zambrano accused that mistakes were made in the opposition coalition, there was never a campaign strategy and today the party no longer exists.

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