RUMOR: Ace Attorney could appear in this week’s Nintendo Direct

This morning it was confirmed that the next NintendoDirect will take place this tuesday June 18. Because of this, the community has begun to move and bet on what could appear at the event. Now, a new rumor suggests that Ace Attorney It will be one of the sagas chosen to be part of the presentation.

The Nintendo Direct will be this June 18

As you probably know, the Nintendo Direct promises several surprises related to important Big N franchises. However, there is a possibility that other announcements third-party are also carried out.

Because of this, Pyoro shared a post on X about a possible appearance of Ace Attorney in the event. It is worth mentioning that the leaker is known for its tremendous precision, so everything indicates that Capcom will make an appearance at the Direct.

The publication in question was made on the account of the Brazilian journalist Necro Felipewho hinted at the appearance of the beloved law franchise at the event with the following message:

This is the journalist’s publication

“On Weibo, a Chinese account called Subo, which is the most followed account there for Nintendo news, seems to hint at the appearance of Ace Attorney in the Direct…”

This post by Necro Felipe made even more noise when Pyoro shared it, so many users consider it almost a fact that an announcement about Ace Attorney is made in the presentation.

Of course everything is still a rumor and we will have to stay tuned to find out everything that Nintendo will present in its Direct, so we will be waiting to inform you about any news in this regard.

We remind you that the Nintendo Direct will take place this Tuesday June 18 at 8:00 AMcentral Mexico time, so we invite you to keep an eye on all announcements at this link.

Would you like to see something Ace Attorney in the event? Tell us in the comments.

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