Culture works on the AI ​​Language Model announced by Sánchez to “respect” copyright

Culture works on the AI ​​Language Model announced by Sánchez to “respect” copyright
Culture works on the AI ​​Language Model announced by Sánchez to “respect” copyright

The Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun, has stated that the department he heads is collaborating jointly with the Ministry of Digital Transformation in the Great Foundational Model of AI Language, announced by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, last month of February within the framework of the Mobile World Congress (MWC). “We are working on the development of this public language model, which is very important, to know how you can respect copyright and intellectual property, with everything you use for your training,” he said this Tuesday at the control session to the Senate Government. The minister added that, if achieved, “Spain would be the first country to achieve something like this” and has shown his willingness to continue working to regulate AI “in favor of Spanish creators.” This is how Urtasun responded in the Senate, where he appeared to respond to Senator Igotz López Torre, of the Basque Parliamentary Group, who asked about the measures planned by the Government to protect the intellectual property of creative people in the face of the threat of generative artificial intelligence. . “Generative AI poses a threat to security, privacy and data protection. It can feed on other creations that are subject to intellectual protection to deliver a new creation that is not. It is necessary to get ahead and take measures to protect creators and “Working from now on in a preventive manner and not later in a corrective manner,” said the Basque senator. Urtasun has indicated that he is aware of the concern that exists around AI language models and has highlighted that since his appointment as Minister of Culture he has prepared a Good Practices Guide and has proposed the creation of the Copyright Office. Author who, as he has indicated, will be in charge of participating in international debates around AI. “We have a European regulation that is pioneering, but in terms of copyright it only has a small provision on transparency. Therefore, there must be more legislative and regulatory development within the EU framework, and there the Copyright Office Author will be able to play a very important role,” he detailed. Finally, Igotz López has asked Urtasun to remember the “small” creators and not only focus on legislating for “the biggest.” “Sometimes we forget that the smallest creators are the ones who have the most difficulty surviving,” he added.

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