Yellow Day: why is today the happiest day of the year?

Yellow Day: why is today the happiest day of the year?
Yellow Day: why is today the happiest day of the year?

Did you wake up this morning a little happier than usual? No, it is not a coincidence, and this June 20 is the Yellow Day or, what is the same, the happiest day of the year.

Like Blue Monday (celebrated on the third Monday in January), this Thursday is the Yellow Day. It is known as the happiest day of the year because today different psychological and meteorological factors come together that should make us a little happier.

What is the origin of Yellow Day?

The ‘creator’ of Yellow Day was psychologist Cliff Arnall, the same one that established the origin of Blue Monday. This June 20 is full of positive factors and that is represented perfectly with the color yellow, which is what we associate to the sun, to joy and vitality.

It symbolizes the warmth, energy and positivity that appears at this time of year, which is characterized by rising temperatures and the arrival of summer holidays.

These are the factors that come together during Yellow Day:

  • July 20 is the day summer begins, so the sun shines much more intensely and the temperatures invite you to enjoy outdoor plans.
  • Yellow Day marks the countdown to summer vacation. The proximity of trips, rest and family moments make us have a better mood and even make us more motivated.
  • Psychological studies confirm that during the month of June, the production of serotonin, a hormone related to happiness and well-being, increases.
  • The good weather and increased hours of sunshine invite you to spend more time with friends and family. Sharing moments with our loved ones strengthens emotional ties and contributes to happiness.
  • June 20 is usually one of the days with the most hours of daylight in the northern hemisphere.

With all these factors, it is not surprising that June 20 has been chosen as the happiest day of the year. Many aspects come together that, ultimately, remind us of the importance of valuing the small details, of spending time with the people we love and of appreciating everything beautiful that surrounds us.

It can make a difference and make us a little happier, both this June 20 and the rest of the days of the year.

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