Donald Trump could participate as a speaker at the Bitcoin 2024 event: reports – DiarioBitcoin

Donald Trump could participate as a speaker at the Bitcoin 2024 event: reports – DiarioBitcoin
Donald Trump could participate as a speaker at the Bitcoin 2024 event: reports – DiarioBitcoin
By Angel Di Matteo @shadowargel

According to several reports, the organization of the event and Trump’s team are in talks for the candidate to attend as a speaker, precisely because of the pro-crypto stance he has maintained during his campaign.


  • Donald Trump may participate in the event Bitcoin 2024
  • The organization of the event is in talks with its campaign team
  • Personalities such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr and Vivek Ramaswamy will also attend
  • This could be a platform for Trump’s pro-crypto message to reach more people
  • The crypto issue could be one of the focal points ahead of the upcoming US presidential elections.

The former president and current candidate for the next elections to be held in the US, Donald Trump, could attend the event as a speaker Bitcoin 2024, which will be held this year in Nashville to address topics of interest and current events related to the main digital currency.

Will Trump participate in Bitcoin 2024?

This is indicated by several reports published today, which affirm that Trump and his team are in talks to finalize their participation in the event. According to a couple of people with knowledge of the case, the former president was invited to the conference, but details are still being discussed to adjust his agenda and have him attend.

Sources also revealed that other political representatives will be at the event. Bitcoin 2024. Among them stands out candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr, former candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, as well as senators Bill Hagerty and Marsha Blackburn. It is unknown if these will participate together in some type of panel to address issues related to Bitcoin in the US.

Returning to the possible participation of Trump, the former president’s campaign advisor, Brian Hughes, sent a statement to the media The Block to convey the candidate’s position on the situation of the crypto sector in the US, ensuring that cryptocurrencies are under attack by the government led by President Joe Biden:

Crypto innovators and others in the tech sector are under attack from Biden and Democrats… As Biden stifles innovation with more regulation and higher taxes, President Trump is keen to encourage American leadership in this and other emerging technologies.

The self-proclaimed ““crypto president”

Although Trump’s participation in Bitcoin 2024, The truth is that the event could be a great platform for him to take his message to a much broader audience, where he can offer more details about his plans and ideas related to the crypto sector in an event that has served as a platform for big announcements. .

As for Trump, although for many his support for cryptocurrencies at this time may well seem paradoxical, the truth is that his message has resonated very strongly within the American ecosystem of digital currencies. The former president’s messages contrast with the policies that the Biden administration has managed so far, which has been questioned both inside and outside the sphere of digital currencies.

Analysts agree that Trump has been able to take advantage of this vacuum, and now in his campaign he calls himself “crypto president”. It also ensures that it will respect the rights of investors, advocate for self-custody of Bitcoin and other digital currencies, will support crypto mining activities and work to ensure that the future of the sector is in the US.

On Biden’s side, although the measures are a little more discreet on campaign issues, there seems to be an interest in wanting to reach the crypto sector, since he has been advising on the matter with certain members of the industry. However, the most palpable evidence of a change in policy is the apparent shift in the perspective of SEC, who approved ETFs Ethereum in cash and is about to authorize the launch of these products on the stock market.

For now, everything seems to indicate that cryptocurrencies will be one of the focal issues for these elections, and some influential figures in the industry agree that the vote of the digital currency community could be decisive in tipping the balance in favor of Trump or Biden.

Article by Angel Di Matteo / DailyBitcoin

Picture of DiarioBitcoin, free to use, under public domain license

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