DAZN wins a ruling that completely changes the landscape

DAZN wins a ruling that completely changes the landscape
DAZN wins a ruling that completely changes the landscape

Pirated IPTVs have been a constant headache for the owners of the image and reproduction rights of all types of events, series and movies for years. Without a doubt, where this piracy affects the most is in sports competitions, mainly soccer, but in the last year important steps have been taken to try to alleviate this problem.

Throughout this year we have seen how LaLiga, among many other organizations, have stepped up to block, report and put an end to some of the most famous and used platforms to watch matches live and without paying.

In fact, this year this organization obtained, together with Movistar +, the power to block any website that was reproducing its content illegally without needing a court order. And although this measure has helped eliminate and kill numerous apps and platforms, It has been discovered that there are thousands of other services, which greatly complicates your search.

Not even the super technology that promised to end piracy has been completely effective, since although some of the most popular platforms for piracy were ended overnight, it was detected that It also closed certain platforms that reproduced the content legally.

And now with the Euro Cup around the corner, these IPTVs thought they had everything with them, however, a judicial resolution in favor of DAZN issued by a court in Brussels (Belgium) has granted DAZN’s Eleven Sports Network (ESN) and 12th Player B.V. permission to block nearly 90 sites and domains that illegally broadcast football matches.

This historic ruling could completely change the rules of the game, as it forces Belgian Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to block access to websites that infringe DAZN’s streaming rights.

In turn, these will have to redirect users who want to access this content to an information page about piracy. While this is only applicable in Belgium for now, it would not be surprising if The resolution would have a domino effect in the rest of European countries, which could spell the end of pirate IPTV.

Although no one denies that piracy does a lot of damage, the truth is that the most effective measure to combat it is not through laws or powers to the platforms, if not by lowering the prices of packages or subscriptions.

The clearest example is in the piracy of series and movies, which with the rise of platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video or HBO, the vast majority of pirate services disappeared because users did not mind paying a reasonable price to watch the content.

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