“I was a little surprised”: Story Poet reflects on the impact of having said on television that she was a virgin at 34 years old

“I was a little surprised”: Story Poet reflects on the impact of having said on television that she was a virgin at 34 years old
“I was a little surprised”: Story Poet reflects on the impact of having said on television that she was a virgin at 34 years old

Jose Angel, known as “The Poet” or “Poet of the Story”, surprised the audience during the first episodes of Win or Serve? by revealing that She is a virgin at 34 years old. The now former participant of the Channel 13 reality show confessed that he never had an emotional or sexual partner.

Only my father, my mother and about three cousins ​​knew this, but to be able to say it here is because it is no longer a topic.”, he declared at the time.

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And recently, after leaving the reality show, José Ángel spoke with Página 7 about how his experience in the reality show served to address this issue publicly. “The truth is, I wasn’t looking for that. I wasn’t looking for it to reach that magnitude.. In fact, I was a little surprised, but Yes, it gives rise to being able to speak more freely.”, he commented.

The Poet continued reflecting on the social perception of virginity. “Independent that many say is not a taboo subject… the truth is that it is, but not so much”he explained.

It’s nice to contribute from that aspect without wanting to, that’s the truth”he added. He highlighted that her participation in the program was a good moment to open this conversation, despite not having planned it.

His balance after his time in reality

During his interview, José Ángel also referred to his departure from Win or Serve?, after facing Austin Palao. He acknowledged the public’s reactions and the diversity of opinions about his performance on the program. “There will always be someone who will not like your job, No one is a gold coin, so that everyone likes them,” he reflected.

Finally, José Ángel expressed his gratitude for the support received from viewers. “I stay with the support, the affection. I didn’t expect it, I didn’t measure it at one time, but I’ll stick with that”, he concluded.

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