The accident that Arturo suffered and worried everyone in Big Brother

The accident that Arturo suffered and worried everyone in Big Brother
The accident that Arturo suffered and worried everyone in Big Brother

The Bros, along with Emma Vich and Darío Martínez Corti, took a dip in the pool and enjoyed the moment, while Arturo was on the edge of the pool, going from one side to the other. None of the participants realized the risky situation until the dog hit itself.

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Arturo, the dog who entered Big Brother.

The terrible fall of Arturo, Big Brother’s dog in the pool

Martín Ku, Bautista Mascia, Nicolás Grosman, Emma Vich and Darío Martínez were enjoying the pool, shouting as a game, when Arturo began to run around the edge, trying to captivate the participants and get their attention. Seeing that no one reacted, he went from one side to the other and everything ended in a dangerous situation for the pet.

In one of his many runs, he slipped, hit the edge of the edge and ended up with two of his little legs in the water. The pet whimpered and barked before falling over. “No, Arturo,” shouted the contestants who saw the dog in the water. Martín did not find out about the situation at the time because he just started swimming with his head under the water.

Bautista, who was very close to the edge, managed to lift Arturo in his arms so that he would not drown and the pet, who was very scared by the moment he had just experienced, began to try to get free, but the Uruguayan brought him closer to the edge. grass to make him feel safe.

Immediately, users protested against the new carelessness of the little brothers, who let Arturo walk near the pool. “I was literally next door. It was at most not doing anything”, “If it happens that well, it’s obvious that he’s going to fall”, “He would be there for GH to allow them to teach him how to swim”, “Arturo fell into the pool and as always, Bautista being a man that resolves,” they expressed.

Arturo’s situation in Big Brother

Arturo’s behavior has generated a great debate among followers of the Big Brother program. While some criticize the lack of attention and care towards the animal, others highlight the moments of affection and connection that he has shown with the participants.

The production of Big Brother has had to face criticism and concerns about Arturo’s well-being. Although the shelter that rescued him requested his return, so far there has been no change in his situation.

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