They accuse Telefe of fraud after leaking the elimination of Martín Chino Ku

Through her Instagram broadcast channel, Constanza Romero wrote: “You gave it your all, Chinito. you deserved more“. Although it does not seem to be a strange or striking message, what happens is that Corrientes he wrote it at 0:08several minutes before Santiago del Moro enters the house of Big Brother 2023 to confirm Martín’s elimination.

Chino’s elimination was confirmed at 0:17that is, 9 minutes after Coty’s message on his Instagram broadcast channel, so this exposed that Telefe had to do with what happened. If the votes were transparent, the former participant would not have to know that the man from Rio Negro was going to lose the head-to-head match with Nicolás.

Constanza Romero Coty Big Brother elimination Martín Chino

Coty’s messages generated a scandal on Telefe.

Capture Instagram

In this way, it was completely confirmed that the votes of Big Brother 2023 they are not transparent and this left Telefe, a channel that received thousands of criticisms on social networks, in a very bad position. Therefore, between now and the final the rating could continue to fall and the definition of the program could reach a historic audience level.

The survey that anticipates who will be the winner of Big Brother 2023

Big Brother 2023 will have its end on Sunday, July 7with the particularity that due to the consecutive eliminations of Virginia, Juliana “Furia” and Martín “Chino”, There are two clear favorites on social networks to become champions.

Bautista Darío Emmanuel Nicolás finalists Big Brother 2023

Bautista, Darío, Emmanuel or Nicolás, one of the four will be champion of Big Brother 2023.


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