It is essential to take care of it: which is the forgotten muscle that acts as a “second heart”

Located at the bottom of the calf, this muscle is recognized by doctors as “the second heart” due to its influence on blood circulation.

Muscles, physical activity. Photo: Unsplash.

In the world of fitness and the healthwe often talk about the muscles larger and more visible, such as biceps, quadriceps or abdominals. However, there is a crucial muscle in the legs that often goes unnoticed but plays an important role in well-being.

Located in the lower part of the calf, the soleo is a key muscle that doctors sometimes call “the second heart”. Why this nickname? The answer lies in your influence on blood circulation. When the soleus contracts, it compresses two important veins that contribute to the efficient return of blood from the legs to the heart.

Physical activity. Photo: Unsplash.

The doctor Marc Hamiltonof the University of Houstonexplained that these soleus veins fill and empty with each step we take, functioning as a kind of “pump” that helps the heart in its task of maintaining adequate circulation.

However, the importance of the soleus goes beyond its circulatory function. This musclewide and flat, is part of the posterior group of calf along with others such as the gastrocnemius and the plantaris. Its contraction not only contributes to plantar flexion, but is also essential for staying upright and stable, especially in the bipedal position.

Apple. Photo: Unsplash

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The importance of keeping this muscle active

Caring for the soleus, according to the doctor Carles Pedret of the School of Sports Medicine of the University of Barcelona, requires constant but moderate activity. Excessive effort or prolonged sedentary lifestyle can negatively affect this muscle, so finding a balance in daily physical activity It’s fundamental.

Physical activity, walking. Photo: Unsplash. Physical activity, walking. Photo: Unsplash.

The benefits of maintaining a healthy soleus go beyond the physical. Dr. Pedret highlighted that the regular exercise of this muscle not only reduces the risk of disease, but also improves mental healththus contributing to a better quality of life.

In short, the soleus may not be mentioned as much as other muscles, but its importance for general health and well-being cannot be underestimated. Keeping it active and healthy is key to having a fully functioning body and a balanced mind.

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