Putin announces the beginning of nuclear weapons exercises and leaves Europe in suspense

They say that the war in europe has ceased to be a ghost and has become a reality, given the climate of unrest that the Russians stimulate with announcements that they are starting exercises with tactical nuclear weapons in the theater on the border with Ukraine, a country invaded more than two years ago.

Russia is mounting an even more difficult crisis because the US, Germany, France, Poland and other countries have decided to allow Ukraine to defend itself using the new weapons it has begun to receive, accompanied by training, also on Russian territory.

The worst incident occurred a week ago when Ukrainian drones reached the Russian Orenburg region after passing through 1,800 kilometersattacked and put out of use an early warning radar. A blind “hole” was opened in the nuclear attack detection system to Russia. Putin He responded announcing the beginning of the exercises in the border areas with northeastern Ukraine, using tactical nuclear bombs and missileslimited cover.

Every day that passes agitation worsens. On Sunday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that the Russian offensive on the northeastern border and other cities of the invaded country, centered on Kharkov, the country’s second metropolis, exceeded a thousand attacks in a week.

Russian President Vladimir Putin increased Western alarm. Photo: Alexander KAZAKOV / AFP

Russian President Vladimir Putin increased Western alarm. “All objectives are being achieved,” said. “From the technical and military point of view, we are obviously ready”.

Putin reminded through his advisors that the use of tactical atomic weapons, with a lower power than the strategic ones, destined to turn entire cities and even the planet to pulp, are part of the so-called nuclear doctrine “even in the case of aggression with conventional weapons if the losses do not allow aggression to be stopped and determine a critical situation for Russian security.”

The avalanche of threats followed Western announcements of new shipments of brand new weapons to put the Ukrainian fighters on their feet, who after failing a major offensive last year, were left in a defensive position, with thousands of human losses on the battlefields, short of human replacements and poorly armed.

The Western military alliance based in Brussels, which always had the North American military-nuclear umbrella, formalized the permission to punish with the new weapons to the Russians in its own territory.

In a meeting with the commanders of the military districts, Putin summarized the situation after “the failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive.” The president explained that Russia has increased military spending to 8.7% of the national wealth and that to manage this new situation the new Minister of Defense, Andrei Belousov, is an economist.

Russia has been restructured an effective war economy.

Mattarella’s serious words

The Italian president, Sergio Mattarella, came out to Putin’s crossroads on Sunday, the anniversary of the Republic, answering him harshly. He said that “Russia has brought the war to the heart of Europe, digging again a ditch between the countries that we dreamed of in peace and collaboration, free from Lisbon to Vladivostok.”

Mattarella continued: “The Russian Federation has demolished the security architecture which has guaranteed peace and stability to the European continent for long decades and has launched a new, distressing arms race”.

Mattarella’s words, which have had a great impact in Europe, added that “this is very serious behavior in that it has been pronounced byr one of the countries that have the greatest responsibility in the international communityas a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.

The Italian president, Sergio Mattarella during the celebrations for the anniversary of the Republic. Photo: ANSA

In Italy, the position against sending weapons to Ukraine that are later used to attack Russian territory is unanimous.

But there was a deep disagreement on the part of the League, one of the two parties allied to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini criticized President Mattarella. Salvini has defended Putin many times and now it has put the head of the government, Giorgia Meloni, who leads the Italian right-wing coalition, in trouble. But Meloni will not change his position, along the lines of the US, NATO and most of the countries of the European Union. Italy will not send weapons of the latest generation and much less soldiers to Russia.

The issue of new weapons from NATO countries, with permission to be used by the Ukrainians in combat on Russian territory, has especially alarmed its main country in Europe, Germany, the richest and most populouswith 83 million inhabitants.


The government of social democrats, liberals and greens already voted two years ago, due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, to increase the budgets for military defense by one hundred billion euros. Furthermore, the liberals have just proposed “in order to respond to a Russian attack” that 900,000 reservists be reactivated. Deputy Agnes-Strack Zimmerman, chair of the parliamentary defense committee, said: “Putin is preparing his people for war against the West. “We must be able to defend ourselves as quickly as possible, mobilize, register and activate 900 thousand reservists, because the Russian attack against us has already begun.”

In Britain and France the mobilization of military resources has also begun. Both European atomic powers They are skeptical about the future of the conflict.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine produced a surprising and negative result for the Russians, when Sweden and Finland, neutral for many years, decided to join NATO.

This decision redesigned the borders and Russia discovered that it had inadvertently turned the Baltic Sea into a NATO lake. Now the Baltic border is the hottest front in case of a war after Ukraine. NATO contingents They are already deployed in defense of Lithuania, Estonia and Latviathree small countries that were colonized by Russia for thirty years.

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