Putin warns that attacks with Western weapons against Russia will mean a direct war

The president gave statements to dozens of press agencies around the world on political issues aimed at the international agenda.

The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, said this Wednesday that Ukrainian attacks with Western weapons against Russian territory would be considered “a direct war.”


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According to the Russian news agency TASS, the statements were issued by Putin in a meeting he held with Russian and international news agencies and that covered issues of a political nature and focused on the international agenda.

“Putin was asked about relations with the West, possible solutions to the Palestinian question and the Iranian nuclear deal, among other current issues,” details TASS.

Other topics addressed the situation in Ukraine. In this regard, the president made it clear that his country “did not attack Ukraine, but rather defended itself and had the right to help Donbass.”

Likewise, the Slavic leader said that the Kremlin “will reserve the right to act in a similar way” to Ukraine, because in his opinion “that is the path to more serious problems.”

In addition, he referred to the use of German weapons by Ukrainian forces to attack Russian targets as a dangerous step and “would ruin relations with Berlin.”

The Russian leader also affirmed that his country has the right to provide long-range weapons to attack targets in the West.

Referring to the issue of gas supply in the European zone, Putin said that the countries of the region should not receive gas. This is due to NATO member countries preventing the review of Russia’s border with the Eastern Baltic Sea as they consider it “a threat.”

“What is the logic? You can go through the territory of Ukraine, you can go through Türkiye, but you cannot go through the Eastern Baltic Sea. “What kind of nonsense is this!” Putin stressed.

The head of state urged the media present to transmit the information to their readers, thus opposing the obstacles placed on Russian media in the West.

This exchange between President Putin and the press is framed in the context of the 27th Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum 2024. An event attended by States from around the world.

Author: teleSur – ahf – JGN

Source: teleSURtv – TASS – RT

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