Today’s anniversaries: what happened on June 8 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world

Today’s anniversaries: what happened on June 8 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world
Today’s anniversaries: what happened on June 8 | Events that occurred in Argentina and the world

In the anniversaries of June 8 These events that occurred on a day like today in Argentina and the world stand out:

1910. María Luisa Bombal is born

The Chilean writer María Luisa Bombal was born in Viña del Mar. His main works are novels The last fog and The shrouded. He also wrote several books of short stories, including The tree, Braids and The secret. She was a pioneer in raising feminist issues in Latin American literature. He died in 1980.

1911. The birth of Edmundo Rivero

One of the emblematic voices in the history of tango is born in Valentín Alsina: Edmundo Rivero. He stood out with the grave and deep register of him. He sang the milongas of Jorge Luis Borges with music by Astor Piazzolla on the album The tangopublished in 1965. Four years later he created El Viejo Almacén, one of the main tango venues in the city of Buenos Aires. He died at the age of 74, in 1986.

1970. The fall of Juan Carlos Onganía

The board of commanders removes Juan Carlos Onganía of the presidency of the Nation. The dictator who dreamed of ruling for twenty years does not reach the fourth anniversary of the coup that overthrew Arturo Illia and established the military regime known as the Argentine Revolution. Weakened by the crisis that erupted with the Cordobazo and by the kidnapping and murder of Pedro Eugenio Aramburu, Onganía lost the support of the Armed Forces. His successor is Roberto Marcelo Levingstonuntil then military attaché in Washington. Levingston will be replaced in March 1971 by the head of the Army, Alejandro Agustín Lanusse, after the outbreak known as Viborazo, in Córdoba.

1972. The iconic photo of Phan Thị Kim Phúc

South Vietnamese forces attack the town of Trang Bang. Napalm bombs are dropped from a plane. The flames engulf the clothes of a nine-year-old girl, named Phan Thị Kim Phúc, who begins to run with other boys (they were in a Buddhist temple when the bombing began). Kim takes off her burning clothes, and when she is naked, crying in pain with the other children, AP photographer Nick Ut captures that horrifying moment. The photo goes around the world and symbolizes the madness of the Vietnam War. Ut wins the Pulitzer and the World Press Photo for one of the iconic images of the 20th century. Kim remains hospitalized for fourteen months and undergoes 17 operations. As an adult, He settled in Canada and created a foundation to help child victims of war. She is also a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador..

1993. Severo Sarduy dies

The Cuban writer Severo Sarduy AIDS victim dies in Paris. She was 56 years old. He was born in Camagüey, in 1937, and in his work he openly explored homosexuality and transvestism. His literary career began with the novel Gesturesin 1963. With Cobra won the Medici Prize in 1972. Beach Birds It was his last novel, published the year of his death. He also wrote poems, as well as essays such as Written on a body and The simulation.

1995. The death of Onganía

Exactly 25 years after his fall, Former dictator Juan Carlos Onganía ceases to exist at the age of 81. An exponent of the nationalist-Catholic wing of the Army, he emerged as a dominant figure in the blue and red conflict in 1962. He was head of the Army from that year until the end of 1965, when he moved to Retiro and Arturo Illia thought that the possibility of a bang. The overthrow occurred on June 28, 1966. Onganía took charge of the de facto, corporate and markedly conservative government, which a month after taking office perpetrated the Night of the Long Canes by intervening in the universities. El Cordobazo ended his dreams of remaining in power forever, to which was added the shock of Operation Pindapoy, the kidnapping and death of General Aramburu at the hands of Montoneros, after which he was removed.

Furthermore, it is the World Oceans Dayas provided by the UN General Assembly.

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