4 phrases that people usually say before they die

Recently, Renowned oncologist and Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Siddhartha Mukherjee gave a commencement speech at the University of Pennsylvania.

And, in the instance, the doctor and author of the non-fiction book The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer (Scribner, 2011), He alluded to four phrases that people usually say when they are close to dying.

“All the people I have met in this time of transition wanted to make these four offers”stated the specialist in statements rescued by CNBC.

Is about the following:

  • “I want to tell you that I love you”.
  • “I want to tell you that I forgive you.”
  • “Would you tell me that you love me?”
  • “Would you forgive me?”

As Mukherjee explained, forgiveness and love are two points that people usually refer to when they are close to dyingso they seek to manifest it in their last moments.

“Waiting (to express oneself) only delays the inevitable”the oncologist emphasized, and then added that young people should “take it seriously.”

4 phrases that people usually say before dying and what we can learn from them, according to a renowned oncologist. Photo: reference.

Expressing feelings, whether of love or to admit that someone has been hurt, can be complex.

Faced with this situation, Harvard University social and personality psychologist Richard G. Cowden shared four recommendations so you can do it.

These are the suggestions you mentioned to the aforementioned medium.

  • Take responsibility for your actions.
  • Allow yourself to experience negative feelings, such as regret and guilt.
  • Apologize sincerely and try to make amends.
  • Learn from the experience and move forward.

Previously, in 2022, Cowden had referred to this issue in an interview with Harvard Health Publishing.

“It is uncomfortable to admit that you have done something wrong, and It is natural to protect self-esteem by dismissing what happened or making excuses for behavior (…) but it can free you from your past mistakes and help you live more fully. in the here and now.”

Along these lines, he stressed that “You may be very surprised at how much better you feel if you can work on the process of forgiving yourself.”.

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