Macron warns that he will not campaign and described opposition alliances as a “bricolage”

I’m not going to give up, it’s absurd. French President Emmanuel Macron defended himself astutely in a long press conference to explain a decision not yet understood. Because dissolved the Legislative Assembly after the European electionsopening the way to lepenism in France, in the middle of the war in Europe between Ukraine and Russia?

The president will not campaign but He declined to comment on his behavior. in a cohabitation that appears almost inevitable in the polls. He will not debate Marine Le Pen either.

“A dissolution (of the national assembly) is an act of clarification, an act of trust” he said, after resisting “a spirit of defeat,” in an hour and a half conference.

Resign from the presidency of the Republic? “It’s stupid”he considered before early legislative elections that promise to be difficult for his side.

Resign from the presidency of the Republic? “It is absurd,” considered Macron. Photo: Reuters

“I submitted twice to the votes of the French,” stressed Emmanuel Macron, elected president of the Republic in 2017 and then in 2022. “It shouldn’t be so terrible like what some describe,” he said, based on his two successive victories.

“There may be personal ambitions of some that are frustrated by current movements, including action. But that does not matter, we are in a historic moment for the country,” he clarified.

The president does not campaign

“The president of the Republic must set a course” he claimed.

The Head of State stated having taken note of the “political consequences” of the great victory of the National Regrouping in the European elections, by announcing the dissolution of the National Assembly.


“The President of the Republic must set a course, a vision. But he is not there to campaign in the legislative elections,” added Macron, who nevertheless He plans to speak three times a week during the campaign.

“It is the Prime Minister who will lead this campaign with the majority leaders who are at his side,” he declared, after Gabriel Attal spoke in this regard on Tuesday.

Why did Macron dissolve the Assembly?

Explaining his decision to dissolve the National Assembly, Emmanuel Macron said he had “taken note of a blockade that inevitably prevented the government from acting“. In Parliament, the relative majority “made the actions less legible and did not allow us to build lasting coalitions,” he lamented.

Added to this political conjecture is the victory of the RN in the European elections. “An important political fact that we cannot ignore“, according to him. Consequently, only dissolution “makes things clearer,” said Emmanuel Macron. “The return to the sovereign people is the only republican decision.”

Emmanuel Macron harshly criticized the alliances that are being negotiated. Photo: ReutersEmmanuel Macron harshly criticized the alliances that are being negotiated. Photo: Reuters

Emmanuel Macron harshly criticized the alliances that are being negotiated between the left and the extreme right in the face of the legislative elections on June 30 and July 7, “playing with devices,” according to him. He described them as “a DIY”.

“Since Sunday night, the masks have fallen and the battle of values ​​has come to light“, he claimed. The dissolution is “a litmus test between those who choose to make their businesses prosper and those who want to make France prosper,” added the head of state.

Unnatural alliances

Point out alliances “unnatural” of the “two extremes”, both around the National Regrouping and Rebellious France.

“The right turns its back on the legacy of General De Gaulle in a few hours, Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy,” he said, referring to the alliance desired by Éric Ciotti between LR and RN, which he describes as “an alliance of the devil.” Ciotti was expelled from his party.

As for “the Republican left, it has just allied itself with the extreme left, guilty of antisemitism, communitarianism and antiparliamentarism“Macron accused, referring to Jean Luc Melenchon.

Macron also criticized the Republican left for allying itself with the extreme left. Macron also criticized the Republican left for allying itself with the “anti-Semitic” far left. Photo: Bloomberg

“Léon Blum must be rolling in his grave,” he said, referring to the name “Popular Front” used by the left-wing alliance.

The Head of State claimed to have taken note of the “political consequences” of the great victory of Reagrupàción Nacional, whose mentor is Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella his probable prime minister in the European elections, when announcing the dissolution of the National Assembly.

The majority is “united”, according to Emmanuel Macron, who highlighted the presence at this press conference of Christophe Béchu, minister, despite the absence of the head of this party, Édouard Philippe.

In a frozen Pavillon Cambon, with a blue suit and white shirt, Macron defended the call and accused the extreme left of being “anti-Semitic” and “anti-parliamentary”, of giving its leadership to Jean Luc Melénchon and the right of turning its back on him. to Sarkozy, Chirac and Charles de Gaulle. A National Assembly blocked by the extremes, according to his description.

Secularism, ecology and digital limits

Secularism, ecology, purchasing power, 8 new nuclear reactors, Boys will not be able to have a telephone before they are 11 years old nor access networks before the age of 15. These were some of the announcements.

An urgent agenda for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

The head of state first promised “a republican authority at all levels” and a “strengthening of a sovereign axis.” He proposed “more firmness, but within the framework of the Republic and its values.” “This is also what confronts us between the two extremes,” he judged.

Criticism of extremes: reformed secularism

“What the extreme left proposes today is a response through communitarianism and laxism,” he said. “What the extreme right and its allies propose is a response to insecurity by abandoning the Republic, its values, its very foundation,” denounced the head of state.

Regarding secularism, that principle that the French imposed by law in 1905 to defend “freedom of conscience” and that does not is always well performed, promised to open “a great debate” because, according to him, “it is not well applied.” This “great debate” must allow “clear measures” to be taken.

Many Muslims do they look like a chase to religion by the French state. On Tuesday, the rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris called on Muslims “to put up a barrier to the extreme right” en masse, in view of the persecution of their religion and of migrants of that religion.

The Head of State also intends to develop “republican rites” and reduce discrimination to achieve “real integration”, which today is “failing.”

Telephones at 11, networks at 15

Regarding childhood, the president marked several milestones, because “if the French model corrects inequalities, it too often fails to prevent them,” he lamented.

“The future Government must have a reinforced response” in terms of “protect our children and our young people”, he assured, speaking of an “indispensable priority.” Emmanuel Macron calls for “rebuilding our social assistance to children.” But also “our republican school” and legislate on screens and access to social networks for minors.

He was in favor of banning telephones “before the age of 11” and networks “before the age of 15”, in line with the report presented to the president by a commission of experts on the impact of young people’s exposure to screens.

“All the experts say it. Screen addiction It is the breeding ground for all difficulties: harassment, violence, dropping out of school.”he declared.

“We need an era for the digital majority, which protects,” he added.

Furthermore, the Head of State made a “mea culpa” on the issue of “youth housing.” “This is an issue on which we have not made enough progress and on which France has been too timid and I take responsibility,” he declared.

Eight new reactors

In terms of ecology, Emmanuel Macron believes that “the government program will have to make strong decisions, such as eight new essential nuclear reactors” to the country’s energy transitionwhich is committed to moving away from fossil fuels.

In February 2022, even before the war in Ukraine, the president announced a ambitious nuclear reactivation policywhich provided for the construction of six new generation reactors with the option of eight more.

Regarding pensions, he promised that “they will be well indexed to inflation,” contrary to the claims of the National Assembly, which claims that the government has a “hidden agenda” in this regard.

“I will be very clear: pensions will be well indexed to inflation, to the purchasing power of retirees. This is not an adjustment variable,” he insisted, accusing “the extreme left” and “extreme right” blocs of putting the system of “bankrupt” pensions, by proposing to reconsider the 2023 pension reform.

Emmanuel Macron expressed his desire to “deconcentrate much more quickly” the administrative organization. This will require “eliminating a territorial level to bring more simplicity and freedom to the territories, reopening the issue of these large regions that have moved away from the decision and returning the freedom of choice on the ground to our compatriots if they want to return to this situation.” , he assured.

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