The world has not entered the Anthropocene, concludes committee – DW – 06/11/2024

The world has not entered the Anthropocene, concludes committee – DW – 06/11/2024
The world has not entered the Anthropocene, concludes committee – DW – 06/11/2024

Fifteen years of investigations and the presentation of substantial evidence were not enough. In their vote on whether or not to officially recognize the Anthropocene as a geological era, scientists from the Subcommittee on Quaternary Stratigraphy concluded that there is no sufficient reason to declare that we have emerged from the Holocene.

To recapitulate: the term Anthropocene would refer to an era marked by the changes caused by humans and reflected in a geological imprint of incontrovertible significance. To do this, scientists looked for this evidence in very specific areas of the world, from lakes in Canada to coral reefs located off the coast of Spain.

From chickens to microplastics

The development of chicken species over the centuries was also studied, and scientific teams determined that there is a correlation between the evolution of these species and some human consumption patterns.

Lastly, the presence of microplastics was sought in deep lake strata in Estonia, leading teams of researchers to conclude that there were relevant changes in the concentration of microplastics in these deep layers, which would prove human influence on the environment.

Lake Crawford in Canada is one of the points where the geological trace of the Anthropocene was searchedImage: Peter Power/AFP/Getty Images

Searching for geological markers

The evidence on these “markers” of geological change caused by humans has been added over the years. However, given that we are talking about geological times, the committee that analyzed these results did not reach a sufficient majority to declare the new geological era of the Anthropocene. Thus, in March 2024, the aforementioned subcommittee decided by 12 votes to four not to declare the Anthropocene a geological era.

Among other things, scientists maintain doubts as to what the chronological beginning of the Anthropocene would be, and also about the scientific basis for defining it. According to The Guardian, The vote was challenged on procedural grounds.

The Anthropocene and its alternatives

However, the same media reports that the prospects for officially recognizing the Anthropocene as a geological era are limited. One of the possibilities would be to change the terminology and go from “era” to “event” in its name.

Either way, it will take time before any solution is found. Meanwhile, humans will continue to leave their mark on our planet, and this could last much longer.

Edited by Enrique López Magallón

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