Joe Biden will not pardon his son | After learning that Hunter Biden was found guilty of illegally purchasing and possessing a weapon

Joe Biden will not pardon his son | After learning that Hunter Biden was found guilty of illegally purchasing and possessing a weapon
Joe Biden will not pardon his son | After learning that Hunter Biden was found guilty of illegally purchasing and possessing a weapon

The American president, Joe Bidenstated this Tuesday that he is proud of his son Hunter, but will not grant him a presidential pardon after being found guilty by a jury in Delaware of the three charges he faced for the illegal purchase and possession of a weapon.

The Democratic president, who aspires to re-election in November, never expressed himself in detail about his son’s judicial entanglements and has always expressed his support and paternal love. After the recent verdict, Biden once again assured that he will respect the decisions and course of justice. “I will accept the outcome of this case and continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter contemplates an appeal. “Jill and I have always been there for Hunter and the rest of our family with our love and support,” Biden said in a written statement released by the White House.

“I am the president, but I am also a father. Jill (Biden, the First Lady) and I will always be there for Hunter (…). That will never change,” stressed the Democrat. “Many families in which one of their members struggles with addictions can understand the pride that is felt in seeing someone they love come out of it and be strong and resilient in recovery”he added.

When the trial began last week, the president then issued a first statement in which he avoided commenting on the issue. “As president, I do not and will not comment on pending federal cases, but as a father, I have boundless love for my son, trust in him, and respect for his strength,” Biden said in a statement.

Gun laws

The court’s decision was announced the same day the president delivered a speech about steps his administration has taken to strengthen gun laws in the United States and improve penalties for those who violate them. The first words she gave to an audience after his son’s conviction were at an event organized in Washington by Everytown for Gun Safety, an American nonprofit organization that advocates for gun control and against gun violence.

According to the television network CNN, the president did not refer to the conviction of Hunter Biden, but at one point he seemed to briefly become emotional while mentioning the times he spoke with families who lost loved ones in mass shootings. The president then left for Wilmington to meet his son, the network added.

The electoral campaign

Following the jury’s decision, House Republicans and Democrats debated whether Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict on federal weapons charges could be compared to former President Donald Trump’s conviction in his trial for paying for the former actress’s silence. Stormy Daniels porn. During a meeting of the House Rules Committee, Democrats said they respect the verdict and the rule of law, while Republicans argued the two cases could not be compared equally..

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign’s national press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, said in a statement: “This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the true crimes of the Biden crime family, which has received tens of millions of dollars of China, Russia and Ukraine”.

The verdict could affect Joe Biden’s campaign in the elections presidential elections on November 5, because Republicans, especially Donald Trump, frequently use the case as a weapon against them. They promoted an exhaustive investigation within Congress, accusing Hunter Biden of corruption and influence peddling, although charges were never filed against him for that. His business dealings in China and Ukraine also served as the basis for Republicans to attempt impeachment proceedings to remove his father.

The Republican-controlled House Oversight Committee last week recommended the Justice Department criminally charge Biden’s son and brother., for allegedly lying to the legislators who are carrying out the investigation against the president. These accusations have little chance of succeeding because, although the Department of Justice is theoretically independent, the attorney general, a position currently held by Merrick Garland, was nominated by Biden, so there is some link between the two, the news agency noted. EFE.

In December of last year, Republicans formally began their investigation to try to prove that the president had allegedly used his influence to intercede on behalf of family members and partners in international businesses. Republicans have so far failed to prove that Biden was involved in irregularities. Hunter and James testified before Republican lawmakers for hours in February and said the president stayed out of any family business at all times.

In a statement, one of the Republicans who led the investigation, Jason Smith, considered that Congress cannot allow anyone, not even the president’s son or brother, to be held accountable. According to conservatives, Hunter may have made false statements when he explained the position he held at a company that received millions of dollars from a foreign client.

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