They consider ASEAN a key factor in promoting peace and stability

They consider ASEAN a key factor in promoting peace and stability
They consider ASEAN a key factor in promoting peace and stability

Negotiation and cooperation mechanisms are practical solutions to the complex geopolitical and economic uncertainties of today’s world, Ernthavanh emphasized in a meeting of the heads of diplomatic missions and chargé d’affaires of the bloc’s countries with the president of the National Assembly (Parliament). , Tran Thanh Man.

The Lao ambassador appreciated the effective contributions of the Vietnamese Legislature in the almost 30 years since he became a member of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) and highlighted its initiatives, which – he said – have effectively contributed to the realization of the objectives of ASEAN Community Vision 2045.

Vietnam also actively contributes to improving the effectiveness of regional interparliamentary cooperation, the diplomat said, expressing his confidence that the Indochinese nation will make important contributions to addressing common challenges in the region during the ASEAN 2024 presidency year, which it currently holds. Laos.

Ernthavanh also briefed Thanh Man on the preparations and purposes of the 45th AIPA General Assembly, which will have as its theme “The Role of Parliament in Enhancing Connectivity and Inclusive Growth of ASEAN”, and will be held from 18 to 18 June. Next October 24 in Vientiane.

For his part, and after thanking the opportunity to meet with diplomats from Asean and Timor-Leste, the president of the Vietnamese Parliament ratified his support and accompaniment to the Lao National Assembly to successfully assume these important responsibilities.

Tranh Man also appreciated the achievements of the regional grouping in the past and was happy that Timor-Leste will soon become a full member of the Asean family.

The neighboring countries of Southeast Asia and ASEAN have a particularly important position, are a top priority and are an inseparable part of Vietnam’s foreign policy, he stressed.

Currently, in addition to the relations that are developing very well both in the bilateral and multilateral framework at the state level, the ties of the National Assembly of Vietnam with its counterparts in Southeast Asian countries are also progressing very positively, he noted.

The Vietnamese parliamentary leader particularly welcomed the bloc’s efforts to build the Community Vision 2045 and move towards a self-reliant, strong, dynamic, creative and people-centred ASEAN, which responds to the common concerns of the region.


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