Grabois attacked Petri for a military base in the south


The social leader Juan Grabois He harshly charged against the Minister of Defense, Luis Petriafter it became known that a Argentine military installation in Tierra del Fuego was located, in part, over three meters in Chilean territory, which led to the request for explanations from the country it presides over. Gabriel Boric.

“Petri’s silly puppet puts a military base in Chile because does not know the Argentine territory“, Grabois attacked on his X account and also echoed an article written by the former Peronist senator Eric Calcagno in Argentinian time in which it was asked If Argentina could go to war with Russia after the Minister of Defense signed Argentina’s accession to the “Ukrainian Defense Contact Group.”

For Grabois, Petri is “playing war in Europe, destroying our historical position of non-alignment and exposing us to the consequences of conflicts in which we have nothing to gain. “Bootlicker is not enough“, the social leader closed his message.

By Jaime Rosemberg

Prudent and cold distance, without loud fights or effusive approaches. “It’s not that there is a bad relationship. There is no relationship,” defines a source in Brazilian diplomacy, after the G7 meeting ended without a bilateral meeting, not even a casual greeting, between the president Javier Milei and his pair from Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silvaeach one at one end of the official photo of that meeting.

After the very harsh statements of the then libertarian candidate in the campaign, when he accused Lula da Silva of being a “communist” and “corrupt” (as a result of the legal process in which he was convicted in his country), and Lula’s evident support for the candidate of Union for the Homeland, Sergio Massa In the second electoral round against Milei, the relationship flowed at the level of foreign ministers, who already met four times in six months. There were also advances and gestures in different areas, such as the agreement for the supply of gas from Brazil to the country in the middle of the cold wave; joint business missions at a recent business meeting in Egypt; Argentine humanitarian aid in the floods in southern Brazil, among other points of effective contact.

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Javier Milei

Everything reaches there, to the personal bond between both presidents, which the diplomacy and intermediaries of both countries try to bring closer, and the occasional bilateral incident such as the Lula government’s request to extradite protesters. Bolsonarists, convicted by the Brazilian justice system and allegedly residing in the country. An incident so far handled prudently by both foreign ministries, without orders to escalate the conflict.

Read the full note here.

The liberal Gerardo Bongiovanni went through La Repregunta, the cycle led by Luciana Vázquez. Bongiovanni is the founder and president of the Freedom Foundation, based in Rosario, born thirty-six years ago and with growing national influence. He is also co-founder and general director of the International Freedom Foundation, chaired by Mario Vargas Llosa. Close to former president Mauricio Macri and Patricia Bullrichfinds in Milei a more complete representative of liberal ideas.

Vargallosian tolerance versus the Milei style. Conservative or liberal: what is Milei? From Lijo to Tierra del Fuego, the contradictions of Milei. Why is Milei more liberal than Pro?

Gustavo Saenz He stated that “the North is the solution and the great opportunity to move the country forward.” However, for this it is necessary for the national government to carry out a very important investment in public worksan area that the President repeatedly repeated is not part of his policy.

“We need infrastructure works, those works that were denied or postponed for so many years. Anyone who travels the country realizes that starting from Santiago del Estero We do not have roads, we do not have infrastructure works, aqueducts, gas pipelines.“said Sáenz in a message published on his social network account Tik Tok.

The governor of Salta complained that in Salta “energy is paid three times more, as is fuel,” but he considered that it is “the historic opportunity of the national government to do justice once and for all and to ensure that there are no first-class Argentines and second-class Argentines”.

By Silvia Stang

The Senate of the Nation decided, by majority vote, not approving changes to personal income tax proposed by the Government, which had been approved by the Deputies. The initiative on fiscal measures, of which the modifications to Profits are part, will return to the Lower House, where The ruling party plans to insist on the rejected articles.

The Senate, during the treatment of the Bases Law.Santiago Oroz

The proposal does not imply “restoring” the validity of a tax that taxes part of the labor income of a group of people, because, in reality, a tax regime with such an objective never ceased to exist. Employees know it well (or remember it) that in recent months and after some restructuring of their salaries, They began to see withholdings on their receipts for the tax burden, which in most cases today is called “schedular tax on higher incomes.” In this system, in force since January and created by Law 27,725, taxes are paid based on a monthly salary floor of $2.34 million gross (this month that is equivalent to a net of $1,954,944) regardless, for example, of whether or not the employee has dependents.

Read the full note here.

The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, This Saturday he referred to the legal suit against the Ministry of Human Capitalwhat commands Sandra Pettovellofor him distribution of stored foodafter the federal judge Sebastian Casanello will inform the Executive to present within 72 hours a new distribution plan for said products. “It has no basis, it is absolutely illogical and it is interfering with another power of the State,” said the official in relation to the magistrate’s actions in the case and maintained: “It bothers me when judges want to play politics on issues in which they have no say.” powers or merits to do so.”

“If Justice believes that there was a breach of the duties of a public official, it should present it that way. But what it cannot do, from my point of view, and I am totally respectful of the independence of powers, is to say: ‘you have to do this now,'” said the coordinating minister in dialogue with Radio Miter.

Guillermo Francos and Sebastián Casanello
Guillermo Francos and Sebastián CasanelloCollage

In that sense, Francos said: “He cannot say it because the food that was in warehouses was not for that and furthermore that it had an expiration date, and that is why they proceeded to distribute it, it is a decision of the Executive.” And he considered that “It is like the Executive getting into a House resolution to issue a sentence”.

Read the full note here.


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