Russia and North Korea sign strategic partnership and promise to strengthen ties against the West

Russia and North Korea sign strategic partnership and promise to strengthen ties against the West
Russia and North Korea sign strategic partnership and promise to strengthen ties against the West

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin. and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement during a summit in Pyongyang on Wednesday, in a bid to expand their economic and military cooperation and cement a united front against Washington.

Putin’s visit to Pyongyang comes at a time of growing concern over an arms deal in which the North provides Russia with much-needed munitions to fuel its war in Ukraine, in exchange for economic aid and technology transfers that could raise the alarm posed by the nuclear weapons and missile programs of the secretive nation.

According to Russian state media, Putin and Kim spoke face to face for around two hours, in a meeting that was scheduled to last half that long.

At the start of talks with Kim, Putin said in remarks carried by Russian state news agencies Tass and RIA Novosti that the “new fundamental document will form the basis of our ties” in the long term.

North Korea is under heavy economic sanctions by the United Nations Security Council for its nuclear weapons and missile programs, while Russia faces sanctions from the United States and its Western partners for its aggression against Ukraine.

North Korean state media has described the summit between the two leaders as a historic event that demonstrates the “invincibility and durability” of friendship and unity between the two nations. Huge crowds took to the streets of the capital to welcome the Russian leader’s entourage with chants of “Welcome Putin!”, waving flags of the two countries.

Putin, who is making his first trip to North Korea in 24 years, also praised the “close friendship” between Moscow and Pyongyang, based on “equality and respect for mutual interests.”

“We greatly appreciate your constant and unwavering support for Russian policies, also in the Ukrainian direction,” added the Russian president.

Kim, for his part, pledged (North Korea’s) “full support and solidarity to the Russian government, army and people in carrying out the special military operation in Ukraine to protect sovereignty, security interests and integrity.” territorial”, according to his comments published by Russian agencies.

It was not immediately clear what North Korean support might consist of.

The North Korean leader also praised (Russia’s) “important role and mission in preserving strategic stability and balance in the world.”

“The situation in the world is worsening and changing rapidly,” Kim noted. “In this situation, we want to strengthen strategic interaction with Russia.”

Putin was received by Kim at the capital’s airport on Tuesday. They shook hands, hugged twice and traveled together in a limousine that was part of the enormous procession that toured the illuminated streets of Pyongyang, where the buildings were decorated with huge Russian flags and portraits of Putin.

After spending the night at a state guesthouse, Putin attended a lavish welcome ceremony in the city’s main square, where Kim introduced him to key members of his government, including Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui; the ruling party’s top aide and secretary, Jo Yong Won, and his powerful sister, Kim Yo Jong. The two leaders then began talks accompanied by senior officials, according to Russian media.

Putin traveled with high-level officials, including Deputy Prime Minister Denis Mantrurov; the Minister of Defense, Andrei Belousov, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov, according to his foreign policy advisor, Yuri Ushakov. During the visit, a series of documents will be signed that could include an agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership, he added.

The United States and South Korea accuse the North of supplying artillery, missiles and other military equipment to Russia for its war in Ukraine, possibly in exchange for key military technologies and aid. Both Pyongyang and Moscow deny accusations that the North Korean arms transfer would violate multiple UN sanctions that the Kremlin has supported in the past.

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