According to a survey, Javier Milei is the president with the best image in South America

After some complex weeks, with meetings abroad and after the approval in the Senate of the Bases Law, Javier Milei managed to position itself as the president with the best image in South America. This is shown by a new survey, which indicated that the Argentine president not only improved his acceptance rate compared to previous months, but also left his Ecuadorian counterpart in second place. Daniel Noboa.

Furthermore, the Head of State that grew the most compared to the May measurement was Lula Da Silva, from Brazil, shows the survey carried out by the Argentine CB Consultora (Cristián Buttié). The study was carried out between June 11 and 15 among people over 18 years of age and had an average of 1,250 respondents. (between 1,032 and 1,469 in each country), with a margin of error of +/- 2% to 3% and with a confidence level of 95%.

Survey: 6 months after taking office, Javier Milei maintains his positive image

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In this way, the founder of La Libertad Avanza has marked growth trend of his image just over six months after his inauguration, according to the survey carried out by the aforementioned consulting firm every thirty days.

On the other hand, the Brazilian leader, founder of his country’s Workers’ Party, is the president who recovered the most compared to the results of the previous month, increase by 2.1% its positive image.

Daniel Noboa, president of Ecuador.

The presidents with the best image

The survey indicates that the libertarian economist increased his positive perception by 0.9% compared to the previous month, which allowed him to relegate Noboa. In detail, it is noted that Milei has a 55.7% positive image and a 41.9% negative imagewith 2.4% opting for the “Don’t Know/No Answer” option.

In this sense, half of the respondents who said their assessment is positive maintained that their image is Good, while the other half understands that it is Very Good. In the percentage of negative evaluation, the 28.1% maintain that their image is Very Badand 13.8% said that it is just Bad.

The Ecuadorian head of state appears in the second location, with 54.3% acceptance, and 42.2% rejection. Although he was not the South American president with the greatest decline, he had a decline in his image of 3.8%.

The podium completes it Lula Silvawith 51.3% approval and 45.6% disapproval.

In fourth place appears Luis Lacalle Pou, of Uruguaywith 50.8% approval and 46.1% rejection, while the fifth position went to the president of Paraguay, Santiago Penawhich obtained 48.5% and a similar percentage with respect to its negative image, which reached 48.3%.

The 5 in the background

In the other part of the table that draws C.B.President Luis Arceof Boliviaappears with a 43.8% positive imagebut with a negative image of 52.8%. Thus, it is observed in the ranking that the South American leaders who appear in this sector have a higher percentage of rejection than acceptance among those surveyed.

Meanwhile, seventh place went to Nicolas Maduroof Venezuelawith 39.3% in favor and 58.4% against, and the eighth position went to Gustavo Petroof Colombia, with 38.9% acceptance and 57.4% disapproval. However, the Colombian leader was able to rise one position in relation to Mayo.

The Peruvian government of Dina Boluarte issued the controversial decree.
Dina Boluarte, president of Peru.

Gabriel Boricof Chilicame in ninth place with a 37.5% positive responses and 60.1% negative, while the tenth and last place went to Dina Boluarte, from Peru, with 26.7% acceptance. The president had growth compared to the previous month, but the figure for her negative image was 68.5%.

The South American president who fell the most with respect to its May measurement it was Boricwho had a decline of 4.3%, and who in recent days had a tense confrontation with the Argentine government over the installation of solar panels at a national military base on the other side of the border.


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