Former President Iván Duque will assume coordination of a group of former Ibero-American leaders

Former President Iván Duque will assume coordination of a group of former Ibero-American leaders
Former President Iván Duque will assume coordination of a group of former Ibero-American leaders

01:15 PM

Former President Iván Duque will assume the leadership of the Freedom and Democracy Group, after in the middle of a tribute to Sebastián Piñera, the family of the former Chilean president asked him to assume the leadership of said entity.

Last Tuesday, June 18, former presidents and members of this group met to honor the late Sebastián Piñera, a Chilean commercial engineer and businessman who held the Presidency of that country for two periods, between 2010 – 2014 and 2018 – 2022.

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During his last period, Piñera coincided with Iván Duque, who held the Presidency of Colombia from August 7, 2018 to August 7, 2022.having the challenge of leading as heads of state the fight against the pandemic, which occurred in 2020.

Due to this, a close relationship was generated between the two leaders, as stated earlier this year by former senator Iván Duque, who lamented the death of Piñera on February 6, 2024 due to a helicopter accident.

Perhaps for this reason, Piñera’s family and former presidents of the region asked the former Colombian president to assume the coordination of the Freedom and Democracy Group, which is made up of former heads of state and academic and social leaders.

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Among the members of this entity are names such as Mauricio Macri -former president of Argentina-, Jorge Quiroga -former president of Bolivia-, Vicente Fox -former president of Mexico-, José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy -former presidents of Spain-, among others. Former president Andrés Pastrana is also part of Colombia.

“With several members of the Freedom and Democracy Group, we arrived in Santiago de Chile to pay tribute to former President Sebastián Piñera, whose legacy has strengthened democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean,” former President Duque published on his social networks, who also highlighted that “the group is more united and committed than ever in the defense of freedom and democracy.”

The Freedom and Democracy group has more than 80 members and 19 former presidents, it has spoken out on the political situations presented in Latin America, especially Nicaragua and Venezuela.

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