He went for a walk in a forest, became disoriented and was lost for 10 days | California

He went for a walk in a forest, became disoriented and was lost for 10 days | California
He went for a walk in a forest, became disoriented and was lost for 10 days | California

A 34-year-old man was 10 days lost inside the state park Big Basin Redwoods, in California, after becoming disoriented on an excursion that was supposed to last just 3 hours. Last Thursday, after several requests for help, The police managed to find his whereabouts.

At the time of the discovery, the young man, who managed to survive thanks to a stream and wild red berries that he plucked from some bushes, I weighed 15 kilos less.

The nightmare for Lukas McClish, 34, began on June 10, when he went for a walk through Big Basin Redwoods State Park. Days later, the family, who did not know about the young man’s plans, began to worry about his absence and filed a report to find his whereabouts.

According to the survivor, who was only rescued on June 20, shortly after starting the excursion he became disoriented and began to enter a dangerous place, with slopes and even wild animals.

Their disorientation, among other factors, was due to the fact that the area had suffered a forest fire some time ago. “When the fire comes and decimates the area, it becomes a desert and you cannot orient yourself”McClish explained after being rescued.

In the mountains, the young man said, he slept on a bed of wet leaves and He almost died from hypothermia.

Furthermore, since he had not brought provisions, since the journey would only last a few hours, he had to hydrate and feed himself with what he found in nature: he drank almost 3.8 liters of water a day from a stream with his boot, while for food he could only get some wild fruits.

“I was just saying, ‘Help, help, I’m over here. Anyone there? I want a burrito and a taco,’” McClish told reporters. “That’s what I thought about every day after the first five days, when I started to realize I might be lost,” he added.

The man He spent his days climbing up and down canyons, traveling from waterfall to waterfall. Despite having been chased by a pumaclaimed to have felt “comfortable” the entire time. “I had a mountain lion following me, but it was cold and it kept its distance.”McClish said. “I think it was just someone looking out for me,” he added.

After several days, their cries for help were heard. To find its exact location, the authorities used drones and a rescue dog.

Although the human body’s ability to withstand the absence of food varies depending on various factors, such as a person’s general health, level of physical activity, amount of fat reserves, and other individual aspects, the average indicates that an adult could You can go six to eight weeks without eating, as long as you stay hydrated.

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