A church says it sells “land in heaven”: it offers $400,000 per “square meter”

A church says it sells “land in heaven”: it offers $400,000 per “square meter”
A church says it sells “land in heaven”: it offers $400,000 per “square meter”

The church Christian ‘The end of times’located in Mexicohas recently published an eye-catching advertisement in which it says sell lots “in the sky”and in it he says to offer the square meter at 100 dollarsthat is, a little more than 400 thousand Colombian pesos.

The controversial announcement was the initiative of a prophet named Barwho said he met with God “in the kingdom of heaven,” and in which he details that the alleged lands can be acquired through an application of the church itself, and which they describe as a spiritual investment.

“The kingdom of heaven is something to which Christ Jesus opened the doors to us. And to possess something in heaven we would have to remember that it was the blood of Christ that redeemed us. He wants the salvation of all men so that they may have eternal life, Heaven is not something you buyIn fact, we close the doors of heaven to ourselves. If we speak symbolically of ‘purchase’, it would be necessary to clarify that Christ bought heaven for all of us.”., explained Father Barba.

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Additionally, the church invites believers to carry out a initial donation of $500 (approximately two (2) millions of pesos), as an act to “demonstrate their faith.” The announcement even states that the acquisition of the lots would guarantee the faithful the maintenance of “heavenly” luxuries, including “yachts and private jets.”

According to the church, the payment methods for the supposed land They are affordablesince they say accept all types of cardsHowever, they warn that it is necessary to download the church application.

This fact has generated great controversy. Some people cuquestion the authenticity of the Churchwhile others reject these acts with comments like: “What blasphemy! The Lord Jesus Christ gave his life for us and our sins, and he never received a single peso! “We ‘parishioners’ have to be very careful not to fall into the deceptions of these false leaders.”; “What they are selling is the road to hell; These really happened, zero fear of God.”

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