Inspirational books: find your motivation

Inspirational books: find your motivation
Inspirational books: find your motivation

Get motivated and achieve your goals with these inspiring books for children, teenagers and adults. Learn, through its pages, from personal experiences to practical advice; Each title offers a unique guide to meeting challenges and achieving success. Discover how to live a full and authentic life, improve your relationships and achieve your dreams with these literary recommendations. Find your motivation and get inspired here with this book recommendation!

As we already know, motivation has always been one of the keys to success, whether individually, as a couple, at work or in our personal relationships. Hence, the titles that I recommend below will offer us, based on the stories and experiences of their authors, practical advice that has worked for them to face life’s challenges, achieve success and fulfill their dreams. The best thing is that the recommendations are for intermediate childhoods, adolescents and adults, with the intention that each one find their motivation and inspiration towards the path of success. Accompany me!


Unexpected discoveries of a successful life – Daniel Corral

Recommended book for ages 9 and up. Published under the Alfaguara Juvenil publishing label: Unexpected discoveries of a successful life, by Daniel Corral.

Daniel Corral, through the pages of his book, tells us what his experience has been like and the discoveries he has had to have a successful life. Furthermore, from the introduction he makes it clear to us that he is more than a name in a world ranking. He is someone who pursues his dreams every day and builds his life on his own terms. He is more than a character.

Through this reading Daniel Corral motivates us. Photo: Susana Pérez

Corral gives us a perspective on what it means for him to lead an ideal and successful life. He invites us to stop chasing success that is not ours. He believes that the foundation of a healthy relationship is in each individual and that harmony comes from there, always respecting our individuality. He tells us about a topic that he is passionate about: social networks and the virtual world, about how currently the value of a person is the number of followers they have on social networks, so on this topic he advises us to always be clear about who We are, what defines us, what motivates us and showing ourselves without masks or desire to pretend that everything is perfect, being authentic. In addition, he talks about the lack of financial education that exists in our country, so he invites us to investigate with experts on the subject to know what to do with our income and how to diversify it.

Daniel Corral’s life story is a clear example that with determination, authenticity, commitment and responsibility for your actions you can live fully and successfully. Once you have covered one of your goals, try to go for another one, do not settle after meeting your first objectives because the path becomes much more interesting.

Through this reading Daniel Corral motivates us. Photo: Susana Pérez


Love Rules – Diego Cárdenas and Jorge Anzaldo

Recommended book for young people. Published under the Montena publishing label: Love Rules, by Diego Cárdenas and Jorge Anzaldo.

Does true love exist? With this book we will answer this question with the help of Diego Cárdenas and Jorge Anzaldo, who through their story invite us to discover the “twenties” on the subject, which will fall as we progress in reading. With an exercise at the close of each chapter we will be able to mark with an X the phrase or excuse that others or we use to hide or justify aspects of our personality or behavior that do not align with traditional gender roles or heterosexuality.

Does true love exist? This reading also motivates! Photo: Susana Pérez

Throughout the book, Diego and Jorge will reveal to us what their coming out was like, what was normalized in their time and how it affected them. They tell us how Los Rulés came about, you will know their B side and how they handled the process when they revealed before their thousands of followers that they were a couple. Both Jorge and Diego, through the chapters, tell us more about themselves, their fears, their emotional needs, understanding and support when they decided to come out of the closet, since the two had different contexts to assume who they were and how they have had to fight homophobia.

Cárdenas and Anzaldo have been through many things and if they are still together it is because they want to, because they love each other individually and collectively, each one without ceasing to be themselves and in that everything that they have built with patience and the desire to walk together.

Diego and Jorge tell us their story from personal love and as a couple for all those people who come after them. They invite us to discover or reinvent ourselves about relationships, since they would have loved to know many things as teenagers, but they began to discover them as adults. And one of them is that our voice and individuality have to be strong before trying to share them with someone else, since first we have to be good personally and then be good as a couple.

Does true love exist? This reading also motivates! Photo: Susana Pérez


WTF with INFONAVIT. Basic guide to making your own little house without dying in the attempt – Paulina Casso

Recommended book for adults. Published under the Aguilar publishing label: WTF with INFONAVIT. Basic guide to making your own house without dying in the attempt, by Paulina Casso.

From the bestselling author WTF with the SAT, Paulina Casso gives us WTF with the INFONAVIT, a fun, inspiring, grounded, advised book and, as is characteristic, we will find anecdotes, memes and references to pop culture to lighten the reading.

For all the Millennials who see it as very far away from having their own apartment or house, I bring you this excellent recommendation that will guide us to learn a little more about the real estate industry and will motivate us to try hard so as not to die trying and turn them around. the statistics.

The book has 8 chapters that make up a fun and also motivating read. Photo: Susana Pérez

The book has 8 chapters in which Paulina documented herself and received advice from experts on the subject to offer us a reading that tells us about her experience when looking for a house, which led her to immerse herself in this world of the real estate industry with clear and fun. She offers a glossary for mere mortals and an accordion to put the lessons learned into practice.

Paulina Casso motivates us to see our dream of having our own little house come true, which will involve a lot of work and years of effort, commitment and financial and personal organization. And she invites us to pursue new challenges to continue growing.

With this book you will have the necessary tools to achieve the goal of buying land or real estate in an efficient and realistic way. It will help us reduce the friction produced by all the procedures that we must face, which will be more bearable with what we will learn in WTF with INFONAVIT.

Finally, the interior design in the three books that I recommended are incredible, they have highlights, illustrations, edited photos, color and contrast, phrases or hard facts and memes that make reading entertaining and very clear.

The book has 8 chapters that make up a fun and also motivating read. Photo: Susana Pérez

Remember that we must always be grateful for what we have, for what we have achieved individually and as a couple, as well as learn to let go of what others will say or what they think.

A full and successful life is made with effort and dedication.

I’ll wait for you in my next column!

Other columns by Susy: Adventures between the pages of books

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