Orchestra conductor Miguel Salmón del Real will present a book in Madrid as part of his tour of Spain and Brazil

The conductor of the orchestra Miguel Salmón del Real will present “The eternal song of great music” (Andraval, 2023) this week in Madrid, Spain. After several presentations in Mexico, it will be the first international public event around said book, in which Salmón explores certain links between philosophy, literature and classical music. It will be presented on May 23, at noon, at the Cultural Institute of Mexico in Spain (Carrera de San Jerónimo 46, Madrid). The composer will also be accompanied by the novelist Jorge Volpi.

“There is a fortunate coincidence of agendas in this trip through Europe,” says Salmón, in an interview, and invites the Mexican community that is in Madrid that day to the presentation. The director also presented two concerts this weekend: last Friday in the community of Catalonia, leading the Orquestra Camerata XXI-Ciutat de Reus with Oriol Aymat on the cello; The repertoire was made up of works by European and Latin American composers (including the Argentinian Williams and Piazzolla, and the Mexican Jorge Pastor). The concert was in the priory church of Sant Pere, “within the Spring Cycle to the Priory, a season that is more or less a century old and in which people like the Spanish singer, composer and director, José Carreras (Prince Prize) of Asturias of the Arts, 1991). It is, by the way, the second time that Salmón directs in Reus. Saturday was the repetition in the municipality of Rasquera.

As part of this tour, which will take him from Spain to Brazil, on June 27 he will have a concert as a guest conductor with the Claudio Santoro National Theater Symphony Orchestra in Brasilia. Concert with a Mexican program that is part of the dual year “Presence of Mexico in Brazil and of Brazil in Mexico” and which is the fourth that he has given in Brazil — and the third with the aforementioned symphony.

That same day he will present “The Eternal Song…” with the writer Laura Esquivel, ambassador of Mexico in Brazil and winner of the ABBY award from the American Booksellers Association in 1994 for her famous novel “Like water for chocolate.” Salmón came into contact with Esquivel since her previous visit to Brazil. “She loved the idea,” he notes. The book is, Salmón explains, a compilation of 21 essays published during the pandemic. Regarding the fact that Volpi participates in the presentation table, he says that he liked the idea of ​​inviting the author of “In Search of Klingsor” (Brief Library Award 1999) because “apart from being a great writer,” he remembers, “he “He said that he would have liked to be a conductor”.

“I was pleased that I read the book of an orchestra conductor dabbling in literature; something like an inverse phenomenon,” he concludes. The Kindle version of “The Eternal Song…” can be obtained on the Amazon platform.

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