the children’s book that ignites the imagination

the children’s book that ignites the imagination
the children’s book that ignites the imagination

The book ““Elena’s Journey”, by Macarena Randis, will be presented this Thursday, at 7 p.m., in the Blue room of the Nave UNCuyo. Through her illustrations and her writing, the author invites you to participate in an encounter with imaginary beings that narrate their unique forms of communication and affection.

‘Elena’s Journey’ It was born as a project on July 21, 2023. I always dreamed of making an illustrated book. I am convinced of the value that books have for the development of people and I believe that a taste for them is cultivated from childhood. I still remember how much they stimulated my imagination and invited me to create worlds within my world the pages of the illustrated books that populated my home library when I was a child,” said the author.

And I add: “Art has been and is my escape valve and support. I have been drawing since my childhood. I am a self-taught illustrator. In 2021 I illustrated the first novel ‘The Woman Who Comes’ by Aníbal Maturano. I have also ventured into dance and theater, spaces that have nourished my bond with exploration, narration and construction of an ‘artist’s craft.'”

Macarena Randis.

Before writing this book, the young woman dedicated herself to tourism and gastronomy. She was in charge of the camp on Mount Aconcagua for 6 years, she worked as a canopy guide in Argentina and Costa Rica, among many others.

Along the way he decided to study Sociology and began to approach the world of letters. “During the last stage of my career I started working at the National University of Cuyo in the field of University Extension. Currently, I am still in the house of higher studies, in the Extension Secretariat of the Rectorate and as a teacher in the faculty of the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences,” she said.

A personal journey

The young woman pointed out that she always had the desire to know the world and that is why she made trips to Asia (Iran, Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand).

“In 2020 I had my baby Luca, who changed my life and with his existence proposed new dynamics and rhythms. So, being a mother, separated and living in Argentina, in the context of the very deep crisis that we have been going through, I asked myself: what do I do with my vital energy? How do I feel fulfilled and continue expanding my horizons in a context in which I must be more still? That’s how the idea arose to make my dream of writing this book come true, and with it a new horizon opened that I intend to continue exploring,” he highlighted.

The book contains the designs of Nuria Añó and achieved financing from the Mendoza Culture Fund.

How to get it

“Elena’s Journey” It is on pre-sale at a promotional price of $10,000 and can be purchased through Macarena’s Instagram @ilustramacarenapaca.

“The idea is that all those who want the book and who love art can have it, so if someone wants the book and can’t afford it, they can contact me and we will find a way around it,” concluded the young woman.

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