The graphic adaptation of the stories of Mariana Enriquez, the Argentine writer with the most faithful followers around the world, is finally published in Spain.

The Salamandra Graphic publishing house has confirmed news that has been highly anticipated by lovers of the Argentine writer Mariana Enriquez, who are not exactly few. Goes on sale The things we lost in the fire, the graphic adaptation that Lucas Nine has made of four stories by the famous author, a unique voice in current literature. The four stories belong to the collection The things we lost firepublished in Anagrama at the beginning of 2016, an essential work for both story lovers and those who love horror.

A car is found abandoned at night in the middle of the Pampas plain with a gas can next to it. Suddenly, the vehicle bursts into flames and we see that, inside, a woman is sitting behind the wheel, unfazed. Next to her lies a book whose cover we read: The things we lost in the fire. With this powerful succession of images begins the wonderful adaptation by the Argentine cartoonist Lucas Nine of the famous collection of stories of the same name by Enriquez, who finds in this scene the visual thread that connects the four selected stories: “The Dirty Boy”, “Pablito He nailed a little nail”, “The neighbor’s yard” and “Under the black water”.

‘The things we lost in the fire’ by Mariana Enriquez and Lucas Nine

Mariana Enriquez has published, among other works, the novels Going down is the worst and Our part of the night (Herralde Novel Award and Critics Award in 2019), the short story collections The dangers of smoking in bed, The things we lost in the fire and A sunny place for gloomy people, the latter fresh out of the oven last March, as well as other more unclassifiable books such as The younger sisterabout the writer Silvina Ocampo, or someone walks over your gravein which chronicles of trips to cemeteries are collected.

Now with The things we lost in the fire, published by Salamandra Graphic and available starting in June, we will be able to continue enjoying the unique universe of Mariana Enriquez, this time with the support of images that enrich the enigmatic characters and powerful stories of this unmatched storyteller who continues to accumulate so many followers throughout the world. world. Let us remember that Enriquez will be present at the Madrid Book Fair of this 83rd edition to sign his works (on Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th in various shifts) and to talk about various topics (in one of the talks he will be with the writer Richard Ford ).

Penguin Random House
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