The association of Uruguayans presents the book ‘Alboroque de Poetas’ on Friday at the Library of l’Alfàs – City Hall of l’Alfàs del Pi

The association of Uruguayans presents the book ‘Alboroque de Poetas’ on Friday at the Library of l’Alfàs – City Hall of l’Alfàs del Pi
The association of Uruguayans presents the book ‘Alboroque de Poetas’ on Friday at the Library of l’Alfàs – City Hall of l’Alfàs del Pi

Thursday, June 20, 2024, 09:59

A tribute from the poet, playwright, literature professor and stage director, Alberto Morate, to his favorite poets. The author will present his work at the Municipal Library of l’Alfàs on Friday, June 21, at 7:30 p.m., and attendees will have the opportunity to chat with him.

The Councilor for Culture of l’Alfàs, Manuel Casado, invites the entire public, lovers of reading, to attend the presentation of the book. An activity organized by the association of Uruguayans and friends of the Costa Blanca.

‘Alboroque de poetes’ is a gift with which Alberto Morate intends to pay tribute to those writers who, upon reading them, have left their mark on him. The professor, playwright and poet assures that at the age of nine or ten he wrote small scripts for his cousins ​​and brothers. “At my parents’ summer house we would do performances and the neighbors would come to see us,” he remembers. And since then he has never stopped. Morate is fascinated by poetry, as a reader and as an author. For this reason, as a tribute he publishes what is his eleventh collection of poems, Alboroque de poetes, where many of his influences are described in verse.

The Asociation of Uruguayans and Friends of the Costa Blanca is a non-profit entity, which has around a hundred members. Established since 12 years, in all this time promotes periodically conferences, workshops, exhibitions, literary meetings and book presentations to spread and share art and culture in general, but also their customs and history, not only in l’Alfàs but throughout the Costa Blanca.

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