How much does the Peugeot 208 cost in June 2024

How much does the Peugeot 208 cost in June 2024
How much does the Peugeot 208 cost in June 2024


After a first quarter with a contraction of more than 20%, car sales improved in May compared to April, but are still down compared to 2023. The fifth month closed with 34,614 patents, 5.1% more than the previous month and 13.8% less than in May 2023.

In the accumulated of the first five months of the year, patents were 152,339 units, This is 22.1% less than in the same period in 2023, in which 195,673 vehicles had been registered. The data comes from the Association of Automotive Dealers of the Argentine Republic (To face).

“The figures for May continue to improve and this is due, in large part, to the appearance of the financing. A few months ago bank rates were above 100% and today they are already a third. This is a key tool for the sector and will continue to expand also for motorcycles and machinery and is what will allow us a massive improvement,” analyzed the president of Acara, Sebastian Beato. “There are some tax reduction proposals that will also have a strong influence so that the client appears firmly. From the value chain we also have a lot to do and that is what we are working on,” he concluded.

In this context, Peugeot released its updated prices for the current month. This is how the range of the 208 Made in Argentina at Stellantis’ El Palomar plant:

He Peugeot 208 closed May 2455 patented units, that is, a 7.5% share of the market. In terms of positions, after having led the ranking in April, in May it returned to second place, dethroned by the Toyota Hilux.

So far this year, the lion’s signature model adds 12,383 units, that is, 8.6% of the market share, and is second in cumulative sales.

“Automotive companies, with discounts and promotions to encourage sales, and dealers with bonuses and added value so that customers return, makes us predict that “The second semester will be even better than the first,” Blessed concluded.


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