12 levers to take your marketing to another level

12 levers to take your marketing to another level
12 levers to take your marketing to another level

We live in the data age. Every step we take leaves a digital trail of data that can be collected and analyzed.

So that, Never before have we had so much information about our clients or so many ways to communicate with them like now, which helps us design our products, optimize processes, improve our marketing, etc.

Furthermore, we are going to have more and more data, thanks to the emergence of technologies such as the new one, Big Data, the Internet of Things or 5G, as well as the omnipresence of social networks.

Having all this data can help us a lot, but There is no point in accumulating terabytes of information if we are not able to take advantage of it.

Effective data management is not only a strategic imperative to optimize operation of our company, but it is also a differentiating element compared to the competitionbeing able to make the difference between success and failure, especially in the field of marketing.

However, immersed in this morass of data, sometimes it is not easy to understand what information is relevant and how we can use it to improve our decision making.

Data-driven marketing

Faced with such a scenario, Kraz, VIKO’s Data Science and Advanced Analytics consultant, has prepared a list of 12 levers to design a more effective marketing strategy and improve your sales thanks to predictive analysis and content management.

1. Prediction of the impact of new product launches

Kraz notes that the Historical sales data, customer preferences and market studies allow you to anticipate demand and optimize the launch of new productsminimizing risks and maximizing return on investment.

2. Demand prediction

Know the specific demand for each product at each point of sale facilitates inventory management, optimization of distribution and prevention of shortages or excess stock. Therefore, having this data can help us radically improve our decision-making in this area.

3. Evaluation of the direct effect on sales of advertising campaigns

The company highlights that data analysis allows accurately measure return on advertising investment, identify the most effective campaigns and optimize resource allocation.

4. Optimization of the paid media mix

Kraz points out that Combining different advertising channels (social networks, online ads, etc.) in a strategic and personalized way increases the efficiency and reach of the campaigns. Therefore, collecting and analyzing the impact data of each of our actions will allow us to improve it and optimize the investment in the media mix.

5. Measuring the impact of new openings on online sales

The consultant explains that the Data can reveal how the opening of a physical store affects online sales in the city or area in which it has been installedallowing you to adjust marketing strategies for both channels.

6. Measuring the impact of online advertising in physical stores

In the opposite sense, Kraz emphasizes the importance of measure the effect of online campaigns on sales in physical stores. “It is crucial to understand the omnichannel consumer behaviorhe points out.

7. Optimization of the communication plan

Companies have multiple communication channels with their customers: newsletter, push messages app, call center outbound, etc. The consultant advises Segment the audience and personalize messages based on behavioral data and preferences, as this increases the opening rate, clicks and conversions. For example, at ENTREPRENEURS we have talked on occasion about personalization in the marketing strategy. email marketing.

8. Detection of the ideal product for each client

Artificial intelligence reaches everywhere and can also help us improve our sales. “The “Recommendation algorithms based on the purchase history and preferences of each customer allow us to offer personalized experiences and increase sales,” Kraz highlights.

9. Campaign optimization based on the customer’s expected value

The company specifies that segment lead generation campaigns leads by potential customer value allows you to optimize the investment and focus on the most profitable ones.

10. Detection of subscriber clients at risk of abandonment

“Identify customers most likely to cancel their subscription allows you to implement personalized retention strategies and minimize revenue loss,” he points out.

11. Discovery of insights from customer feedback

Kraz explains that the opinions of customers who leave their feedback They can be very useful to ussince they can be analyzed using natural language processing techniques and obtain valuable information to improve products, services and strategies.

In this article we told how to take advantage of the content generated by our users to improve conversion and engagement of our clients.

12. Detection of hidden satisfaction drivers

The consultant remembers that the data of NPS questionnaires can reveal aspects that influence customer satisfaction that are not evident at first glanceallowing you to take measures to improve the customer experience.

David RamosSince 2006, I have been a freelance journalist specialized in economic, technical and sector information.


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