End for the best business that a select group of workers did

End for the best business that a select group of workers did
End for the best business that a select group of workers did


With a blue dollar that has remained relatively still in the last six months – it rose $300 in the period – and accumulated inflation that exceeds 100%, becoming a freelancer or moving to the informal market to charge in dollars seems to be an option It no longer attracts workers in general as much. for some Human Resources specialists, however, it is still early to talk about a trend.

Having gone from an exchange gap of 154% last December to one of 40% currently, the profit with a potential curl through the sale of dollars in the parallel market fell more than 113 points.

“What we are seeing is that with the decrease in the exchange rate gap, the option of earning in dollars while working abroad has lost a lot of prominence,” he said in dialogue with THE NATION Matías Ghidini, labor market specialist and CEO of GhidiniRodil.

Maintains that The option did not disappear, but it has been reduced to the group of independent workers that always existed and that privileges this form of work not exclusively for the economic part.but for independence, project selection and challenges.

“The majority group that took advantage of a situation today has decreased and is beginning to value what a local company offers globally in terms of stability and benefits, such as prepaid plans for family groups,” he explained.

“The option did not disappear, but it has been reduced to the group of independent workers that always existed and that privileges this form of work not exclusively for the economic part,” said Matías Ghidini. Shutterstock – Shutterstock

In this sense, he pointed out that There is a no small group that has returned to companies to knock on the door asking to rejoin because they now favor another bond and another stability. “In that case, each company handles it differently, seeing how that professional left,” he added.

The exception to the rule would be younger profiles who are more interested in proposals in dollars because they do not consider the rest of the benefits as relevant.

On the other hand, Alejandro Servide, director of Professional, Digital & Enterprise at Randstad for Argentina and Chile, said that between the local option of registered work vs. abroad “in limbo” (no contributions, no benefits, etc.) in the technology profiles unit, which are the ones with the most job opportunities abroad, There is still a gap in favor of charging abroad in hard currency especially since inflation slowed and the dollar left the $1,000 band and stood at $1,300.

“Something similar happens with those who work locally, but who have a percentage of their salary tied to hard currency. The biggest doubt occurred between December and April, where there was accumulated inflation close to 100% and the dollar was flattened at $1000. complete.

“The biggest doubt occurred between December and April, where there was accumulated inflation close to 100% and the dollar flattened at $1,000,” said Alejandro Servide. Natacha Pisarenko – AP

For his part, Pablo Fiuza, founder and CEO of the firm Qservices and president of the Chamber of the Argentine Software Industry of Argentina (Cessi), recently maintained that “there are more workers who returned to the market,” warning that they reintegrated into the local circuit programmers and specialists from other branches of software who until a few months ago were dedicated exclusively to working from Argentina to abroad.

Meanwhile, for Argencon -the entity that brings together companies that provide knowledge-based services, related to external markets-, The flight of talent continues because it is too early to measure the impact of the exchange situation.

The entity estimates a loss of US$2 billion due to the flight of talent, which represents between 20,000 and 25,000 direct jobs, plus another part that works part time. This number covers not only the computer sector, but also professional services – journalists, consultants, psychologists, translators, among others – who sell abroad regularly for payment abroad.

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