These 6 celebrities have said “No” to plastic surgery: this is why

These 6 celebrities have said “No” to plastic surgery: this is why
These 6 celebrities have said “No” to plastic surgery: this is why

The obsession with eternal youth and plastic surgery is questioned by prominent celebrities. (REUTERS)

In the world of entertainment, physical appearance plays a fundamental role for many celebrities. The pressure to maintain a perfect picture and forever Young It is intense, which has led numerous actors, singers and public figures to resort to aesthetic procedures. However, Not all celebrities are willing to go under the knife in search of eternal youth.

A small but notable group of celebrities has decided stay away from plastic surgery, choosing to accept aging naturally. These celebrities have not only rejected surgical procedures, but also They have spoken openly about their reasons for doing so.

Meryl Streep believes that plastic surgery is a communication barrier for actors. REUTERS/Sarah Meyssonnier

Meryl Streep She is decidedly against plastic surgery, since she has seen many cases where the results have not been as expected. In December 2009, she told Vanity Fair: “When I see it in people I know, it’s like an interruption in communication with them. It’s like a flag in front of the viewer, and that, for an actor, is like wearing a veil… it’s not a good thing.”

Furthermore, in July 2008, he commented to Good Housekeeping: “I just do not get it. You have to accept aging. “Life is precious, and when you’ve lost a lot of people, you realize that every day is a gift.”

Salma Hayek uses Tepezcohuite, a Mexican ingredient to rejuvenate skin without invasive procedures. (REUTERS/Stephane Mahe)

Salma Hayekin June 2010, told InStyle who has never had cosmetic surgery, adding: “I think it’s terrible that these girls in their twenties are injecting their faces and lips.”

Hayek revealed in 2015 to elle: “I use an ingredient called Tepezcohuite that is used in Mexico for burn victims because it completely regenerates the skin. Some of the ingredients, when I took them to the American laboratories, they said, ‘Oh my God! ‘How come no one is using this?’ That’s why I don’t have Botox, peels, or fillings.”

Pink values ​​expression lines and rejects facial alterations to maintain her identity. (REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni)

Pink, in 2020, shared a candid reflection in a since-deleted Twitter post (now X), about how she’s starting to notice the effects of aging. “Dear me, you are getting old. I see lines. Especially when you smile. Your nose is getting bigger… but your nose looks like your children’s and your wrinkles appear where you laugh.” The singer continued: “I can’t accept altering my face. I just can not”.

Julia Roberts criticizes social dysmorphia and defends natural aging in Hollywood. (REUTERS/Denis Balibouse)

Julia Roberts she lamented in August 2010 to Elle that we live in a dysmorphic society that doesn’t allow women to see themselves as older people. “I want to have an idea of ​​what I’ll look like before I start erasing the slate. I want my kids to know when I’m angry, happy, or confused. Your face tells a story… and it shouldn’t be about your visit to the doctor.”

In 2014, the actress explained to the magazine You that his anti-surgery views are rare in the business, asserting, “By Hollywood standards, I think I’ve already taken a big risk by not having a facelift.”

Jodie Foster highlights the importance of maintaining a positive self-image without aesthetic interventions. (REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni)

Jodie Foster He is also firm in his rejection of plastic surgery. In 2007, he commented to More: “I have nothing against other people. Whatever they want to do is fine with me. For me, it’s really a question of self-image.”

In November 2023, he told Interview Magazine who found clarity upon turning sixty: “Then something happened when I turned 60. I thought, ‘I figured it out. This is good’. I think there was something about coming back to work with a different attitude, about really enjoying supporting other people and saying to myself, ‘This is not my time, this is your time.’ “

Kate Winslet rejects plastic surgery for family and professional principles. (Photo Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)

Finally, Kate Winslet expressed his strong opinions against the surgery in August 2011 to The Telegraph. “It goes against my principles and how my parents raised me. I will never give in. I am an actress; I don’t want to freeze the expression on my face,” she stated.

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